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Reimagining The Divine - eBook

The globalised belief in one "God" has become a problem. The prayer "Our Father in heaven" presents an image that embodies the values of uniformity, exclusivity, patriarchy, authoritarianism and the absence of a sacred presence in nature.

Here on earth, the climate and biodiversity emergencies foreshadow an apocalyptic future for humans and all life forms. To confront and resolve these emergencies, we need to apply values contrary to the "Father God" image. The important values today include: diversity, inclusivity, gender justice, democracy and a recognition of the sacredness of nature.

Can we find new spiritual images and narratives that embody these values? This book suggests we can.

Reimagining the Divine is a call for diversity in belief. No religion has a monopoly of truth. Everyone's experience and perspective has merit.

The Spirituality of Experience is a form of mysticism that incorporates these new values. Practiced historically by Celtic monks, it focusses on one's personal experience of the
sacred, and not on beliefs or a creed.

If your vision for the future is:

The return of humans to harmony with the rest of nature

The building of a world community that is tolerant and inclusive

Finding a way of living on this planet that corrects the human causes of climate
change and biodiversity loss

then this book may help you, and all of us, get there.

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