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Some Circuit Customs of the Judges of 1898

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Title : Some Circuit Customs of the Judges of 1898  
Author : Michael Moscow
Source : Windsor Magazine
Year Published : 1898
Page Count : 8
Image Count : 14
Word Count : 4,459
File Size in MB : 4.1
File Type : PDF

"The circuits of the judges are of such great antiquity and of such importance to the lieges of the Crown that it is not matter of surprise that the system existing to-day is an agglomeration of customs more or less curious and quaint. But, however quaint and however curious, there has been good reason for their currency. In theory, the king was supposed to visit every part of his realm at stated intervals, and administer justice then and there to all who needed it : but in practice, and after a few trial trips, he sent his itinerant justices to act the part— and, speaking generally, there is little doubt that the understudies were superior to their lord. Hence we have had handed down a scheme of criminal law and practice that is unique and, for the most part, efficient and fair. According to the erudite, these journeymen judges were originally collectors of the king’s revenue, which centuries ago was derived chiefly from the royal demesnes, from the Danegelt or land tax, from the fines of local courts, and in the feudal days..."

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