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The Labor of Love: Recovery from Toxic Parenting

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                                                ****Update-May 8, 2021****

***The Labor of Love is currently being reviewed to be printed, expected shipping date- May 31, 2021***

Motherhood is hard, and if I’m honest I didn’t like it. I borderline hated it. I wanted out, but how? The lies of the “bliss” in motherhood and the “joy” that it brings kept ringing in my head. And I wanted to scream! How could something so beautiful, be so hard to embrace? No one tells you this part of motherhood. They don’t tell you about the long sleepless nights, or the pain that comes from an unsupportive partner. Or the underwhelming feeling of wanting to bottle feed as opposed to breastfeeding. These things aren’t written in a book and they are barely talked about. 

The Labor of Love, is not just a book about motherhood. It’s about the truths about the ugliness in motherhood that we don’t talk about. It's about recovery from toxic parenting. And it's about truly embracing the beauty in motherhood during the most difficult times.