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A Sneak Peek into My World

Schemeka is the founder of Schemeka B. Coaching & Consulting, The Labor of Love Essentials skincare and products, and To-Get-Her Ministry. She is a believer and follower of Christ, a mommy, daughter, and mentor. Schemeka earned her certification in life coaching with The Greater Me Consulting and Coaching with Master Life Coach Jasmine Stokes. She is also currently pursuing her undergraduate degree in nursing with a concentration in women’s health and maternal and postpartum care in the black community.

Schemeka helps women become restored and renewed in the places that left them feeling hopeless and ashamed. She helps moms who need to be redeemed from toxic parenting, and women that have decided to terminate their pregnancy and need guidance on their next steps post-abortion. She helps moms that are having a tough time embracing motherhood and moms that are now single mothers and need to develop a strategy to remain consistent and honor their new rhythm.


Schemeka also helps women that have lost their identity in sexual promiscuity and are now trying to break the cycle of trauma bonding and void-filling and using sex as a crutch.

Schemeka helps those who desire to be held accountable, have meaningful relationships, build trust, or rebuild trust and those who believe that shame and guilt don’t have the final say-so.

Through One-on-One Coaching, Group Cohorts, Facilitating Discipleship Workshops, Speaking Engagements, Amplifying her voice, and meaningful conversations.

Schemeka is breaking generational curses, discipling and equipping women and moms to be redeemed and to walk boldly in wholeness!

My desire is for women to know that they are loved beyond what they think or see.

The Well Woman-Cohort

The Well Woman is an 8-week group coaching program for women who have made the decision that shame and guilt will no longer hold them hostage. This program was birthed from the book of John chapter four, where Jesus takes a detour into a town just to have a life-changing encounter with a woman.

This program will help women activate their faith, dismantle limiting beliefs and establish new healthy rhythms, cultivate self-discipline, and change their mindset so that they can change their life!

The Well Woman Cohort is for You if:

  • Your past has held you, hostage
  • You are ready to make YOU a priority
  • Desire community
  • Are ready to invest
  • You've been stuck and now it's time to GET UP!
  • You desire accountability

What's Included with your coaching package

  • Digital or printable workbook
  • Well Woman Journal and Pen (Upon Completion)
  • Private Group/Community
  • One on One (Consultation/Week Four/Completion interview
  • Accountability and support from other likeminded women