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Whatsoever Things Are True

By Susan C. Anthony
Whatsoever Things Are True was written to be a Christmas gift for friends and family. I had shied away from the subject of God and the Bible because I didn't want to offend. But I wasn't comfortable with silence, either. If the Bible is true, as I have come to believe it is, I have an obligation to encourage people I love to consider its claims.

I well remember my negativity and hostility toward Christians I perceived as trying to "force their religion down my throat." This book is my best effort to approach the subject of Jesus honestly in a way that might have worked with me years ago.

The nice thing about a book is people can choose what to do with it. They can read it immediately, read it a little at a time, put it on a shelf to look at later, give it away, even throw it away. No matter what they choose, I've done my part. A heavy burden of responsibility lifted from my shoulders when I mailed out this book with my Christmas letters.  

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