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30 Habits to be a more effective football coach

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30 habits to be a more effective football coach, attempts to pinpoint, from a practical standpoint, all those considerations that a coach could include into his practice to improve it. It’s not a kitchen recipe, nor IKEA instructions that you should follow step by step to build your identity as a coach.
Instead, it’s about offering the coach some skills that allow him to improve his action on the team; contributing to his personal and professional growth inside and outside the pitch. These are habits uncovered from the whole set of theory, practice and scientific research that supports, in many cases, the learning sequences to be considered.

Iván Rivilla Arias has a Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. Among other postgraduate studies, he completed his training with a Doctorate degree with a Ph.D. thesis, in which he analyzed the transfer process in modified games and the actual game in training football. He is currently the director of the Didactic Area of Physical Education and Health in the Education Faculty of the International University of La Rioja. He follows his line of research within the group TECNODEF in which they delve into football performance and other collective sports. He has also written other works such as: Theory and Practice of football training; Neuroscience, Sport and Education and Didactics of Physical Education in Infant and Primary Education.
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