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Cyborg's Revenge: The Cyborg Chronicles 1 Autographed Edition

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They say you can’t go home again, but what if it is the only way to truly be free? 

Rap solves problems large and small. He solved them when he was human, when he was a robot, and now that he’s mostly human again, he’s still solving problems—though eliminating the threat from his old Master is a biggie. He’ll need his pet, Snake, and his new friend, Nelson, the AI inside his head. And then there’s Ale. He thought he knew all there was to know about Ale. 

He was wrong. 

Her human form is making his head spin and his heart hurt. He’d like to get closer to her, but he was a geek who didn’t know how to talk to women before he became a robot. He can’t imagine facing the Master without her, but how can he risk her life on an impossible mission?

Now that Ale is a human again—mostly—her new beating heart is pounding for Rap. It’s a pity that he’s inscrutable, and she’s got a huge secret—one that could be the key to ending the threat from their former Q’uy Master—or doom them all to captivity once more. 

Can the shy guy and the lovesick gal defeat their greatest enemy and find a happy ending? Only the chatty Snake knows for sure. 

Cyborg’s Revenge first appeared in Pets in Space ® 4 and was a side story in the Project Enterprise series. It has been repackaged into The Cyborg Chronicles series because the robots want their own series!

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