Burns and Allen - Vol. 1 - DIGITAL DOWNLOAD
(Doorbell)…. “Well Hello, come right in, Oh George, we’ve got company!” The Adventures of George and Gracie premiered on CBS on September 19,1934. Burns and Allen had several regulars on radio, including Toby Reed, Gale Gordon, Bea Benaderet, Ray Noble, and singers Jimmy Cash and Tony Martin. The Sportsmen Quartet supplied songs and occasionally backed up Cash. Music was provided by Meredith Willson and Artie Shaw and the announcers were Bill Goodwin and Harry Von Zell. 16 half-hour shows with original commercials. Digitally remastered and restored.
One of the most famous running gags was “Gracie Allen for President.” During the election year of 1940, Gracie represented the fictitious Surprise Party and advocated nonsense as part of her platform. The “campaign” was so successful that Gracie actually received numerous write-in votes on election day. Some of those hilarious broadcast are included in these collections.
Gracie’s Murder Mystery – 1-10-38, Government Jobs – 2-28-40 (Gracie runs for Pres.) Hat’s Off to Gracie – 3-6-40, Gracie’s Triumphant Return – 3-13-40, Surprise Party Platform – 3-27-40, Till the Cows Come Home – 4-3-40, Gracie Wins Wisconsin – 4-10-40, All Promises Are Ficticious – 4-17-40, The Biggest in the World – 4-24-40, Aunt Clara’s Kangaroo – 5-8-40, Ra-Ra Omaha – 5-15-40, George’s Malady – 5-22-40, Sweeping Into Office – 5-29-40, Elsie Trellafas is Suing – 8-26-40, Gracie’s Old Flame 11-18-41, The Husband Shortage – 9-7-43
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