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Age of your Demiurge

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Lot of water under the bridge went by since we first delineated centauress-nymph Pylenor that is 1994 TA (in its original designation). Its 911 (that is primary Stargate or Xi1 Orionis) position in Orion being most significative.

The mold of man is but one of the assets as curated by this fine centaur or rather centauress-nymph as it were. Logically, even trolls would fall into said category; including – and here comes the punchline – any demiurge; fantastically leading to Narasimha deva where Pylenor Regulus-Alphard conjunction would prove most significative, indeed.

Carlos Castaneda is shaman and significative writer, perhaps the most significative ever. True, Narasimha deva has normally not been represented as molder or potter of any kind, but snaky lion-headed representations of the demiurge abound. Also: what do we really know of things that perhaps were partially hidden even from Prahlada Maharaj?

As potter deities abound, the reader may find fine lineages to conclusions far beyond the scope of this brief. Normally the Regulus-Alphard line is seen as archangel MIKAL piercing the heart of the solitary snake; timely coinciding with Venus in Hydra: thus Palden Dorje, Chinese market crash, the Antichrist himself and many things galore, indeed.
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