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Ripples In The Pond - Level 1 Building Foundations

Have you ever stood staring at a whole array of colours in a shop and been drawn to some but really strongly disliked others? Would you love to know more about why that is and what your colour choices might be showing you?


Do you want, not just some self-development, but a deeper understanding of your ‘self’ and who you truly are by exploring ancient wisdoms for modern times?


Do you want to find out more about how to interpret your own, and your friends', colour choices and how it might be possible to help others using this knowledge too?


Or maybe you have just felt a bit weary of late; a bit fragmented amongst the goings on in the world recently and are looking for a way to put yourself back together again in a gentle way, using colour to guide you.

If any of these sound like you then this might be just the course for you.

Here's What You Get In Return For Your Investment

The Practice Rainbow Reflections Toolkit Cards

If you are within the UK, with each course purchase you will recieve a set of cards by mail, included in the price of the course, to enable you to participate. Seperate arrangements will apply to those outwith the UK.

On The Start Date

There will be a live introduction, which will set out how everything works, recorded and available to view later if you can't make on the date it's broadcast live.


A useful workbook for you to follow as you go through each section, taking notes if you like as you go.

You will then able to work through, at your own pace, the recordings listed below of the main key themes that offer the foundations to understanding the language of colour for yourselves.

Course Curriculum - Section by Section

In addition to the online live parts of the course there are also pre-recorded home study modules

To Help You Even More

I've created a private Facebook group where you can chat with each other, practice what you've learned so far, take part in the live Q & A sessions and of course ask questions if you need to!

And on Top of All of That

We also finish the course with another live Zoom session, summarising what you've just learned. You'll have a chance to ask me last minute questions before we close too.

In addition, I'll be able to let you know what other options are available to you; things like perhaps signing up for the Level 2 - Diving Deeper course, if you haven't already done so, to enhance and expand your own guidance using the language of colour and ancient wisdoms.

Or maybe you want to know more about any mentoring or coaching packages available to you.

If you are a therapist, this might even be the point you decide to become a registered "Rainbow Reflections Certified Colour Facilitator" too, if you haven't already signed up. A necessary step if you would like to use your new found knowledge as well as the Rainbow Reflections Certified Colour Facilitator name and logo to help your clients and enhance your practice. It also provides you with a pretty visual usp in an auditory profession.

Terms and Conditions - Please Read

Please ensure you have read the terms and conditions before purchasing this course.

You're Only Seconds Away From Bringing More Colour Into Your Life

The gateway to developing your understandiung of the language of colours begins here. Just click on the button below to pay the £597 course fee now to secure your place.

Once you have paid in full a link to the course content will be sent to you by email.

Linda Fennessey

If you're curious - This is Me

I'll be the person on the lives and in the recorded videos.

Why I'm doing it..? It's because I want to enable people, just like yourself, whether you just want some daily guidance/self-development opportunities for yourself, or you're maybe a talking therapy practitioner, who wants to really help clients uncover their own abilities and/or what might be holding them back.

Whatever your reason for joining me, I'm offering you a beautiful colour full toolkit that might just help with all of that and I would love you to allow me to train you on how to use it.

Unbeknown to both of us, that present my dad brought me back in the 70's shaped what I would do so much later on in life. A set of little rectangular Perspex shapes in all different colours that I spent long periods of time just sorting into ‘order’. Two colours, or sometimes 3, in a set, laid out in a line until I ran out of pieces. I just knew what felt right together and what really didn’t. And it would change week by week or sometimes day by day.

Fast forward into the 1990s and I started to uncover the hidden meanings of colour, from the theories of scientists like Sir Issac Newton and Goethe as well as systems with a more spiritual element; it all just felt like coming home. Colour can offer us so many insights if we know how to translate the language. Now with my Rainbow Reflections Coaching Toolkit, it is time for me to enable people to understand this language for themselves; time to offer the unique selling point I’ve enjoyed for years, so you can benefit from it too in your own life or practice.

Contact Us

If there is something you'd like to know about the course, that hasn't already been covered here, then please get in touch. We will try our best to help you, make the decision that's right for you, as soon as possible.