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Yoni Steam

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Yoni is a Sanskrit word for vagina, and womb, It has been practiced in Africa, Asia, and Central America.

Yoni steaming is an alternative health treatment whereby a woman squats or sits over steaming water containing herbs. Vaginal steaming is described in spas as an ancient Korean treatment for reproductive organ ailments and is claimed to have other benefits. It also allegedly relieves stress, depression, hemorrhoids, infections, infertility, hormone imbalance, headaches, fatigue, and digestive issues, and the generator vagina is a self-cleaning machine and doesn’t need help from an herbal steam session. Its possible vaginal steaming may make you relax and ease cramping as a heating pad does, but evidence it cleanses your vagina or uterus, improves fertility, and balances hormones are purely anecdotal. Vaginal steaming may increase your risk of vaginal infection by altering the vaginal bacteria ecosystem. That’s not to say some herbs can’t improve reproductive health, but there’s no evidence that steaming them into your vagina does so. Herbs may be natural, but they’re also potent. Used topically, they may cause allergic reactions. And the last place you want an allergic reaction is your vagina. There are safer ways to use heat and herbs for period relief. Try using a hot water bottle on your pelvic area and sip a warm cup of herbal tea. If you want to try vaginal steaming, talk to your doctor or a qualified alternative health practitioner to weigh the pros and cons of your situation. 

Great for postpartum care after pregnancy 

Ingredients: Calendula, chamomile, Red raspberry leaf, shepherd's purse, lavender, 

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