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Gardener's Gansey

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I had always had it in my mind that I wanted to design a sweater for my husband, something that he would want to constantly reach for and put on before leaving the house, as well as being comfortable and easy to wear while also looking smart and put together. At the same time it needed to be practical and warm for the colder months!

So with my husband’s input we chose the colour of the yarn together, and after some swatching of different stitch patterns and ideas I had, he selected the ones he liked (even down to the type of ribbing!) and we discussed how he wanted it to look and the overall fit he was looking for.

With all that in mind this is the final sweater that came from all of that! I am so happy with this sweater and its a great layering piece that my husband loves to wear especially when he is out working in his green house!

It is a very versatile sweater with several inches of positive ease and would look great worn by any gender, there is no waist shaping involved and the length of the body and sleeves can be easily adjusted to suit your preferences.

Knit out of a sport weight (or heavy fingering) yarn it is a perfect sweater for those transitional months and a great layering piece for the colder seasons!

Pay What Works

I have created THREE coupon codes so you can either purchase the pattern for full price, or with 20%, 40% or 60% discounts. I wanted to provide this pattern with a range of pricing options as I know not everyone can afford patterns at full cost. If you would like to support my channel and the work I am doing, and you have the means to do so then paying for this pattern at one of the higher price points is a great way to do that.

The listed price most accurately reflects the time and work that went into creating this pattern, however, if this is not financially accessible for you then please use one of the codes below.

20% off code - PWW20
40% off code - PWW40
60% off code - PWW60

What You Will Need:

Yarn – 560-1350gm of Sport weight yarn (297m/325yrds per 100gm) - Sample shown knit out of Lolodidit Yarn in the Guernsey Sport Base (85% Non-superwash Merino, 15% Silk)

The sample pullover is modelled in the 48” size with 4-6” of positive ease.

Additionally please note you can also use a heavy fingering weight yarn in place of a sport weight if you wish, just make sure you match the pattern gauge.

Please note the meterage amounts listed in the sizing table have a 10% buffer added to them (sizing table is the last photo on the left).

Needles – 3.75mm (US5) and 3.5mm (US4) 32 inch (80cm) circulars for body and longer cables (32 inch/80cm or longer) for magic loop on the sleeves or DPN’s in both needle sizes.

Gauge – 28 sts and 40 rounds in 4 inches / 10 cm, worked in main body stitch pattern (Seed Stitch & Cable Panel) with larger needles; 1 pattern repeat worth of stitches should equal 4 inches across and 10 pattern repeats worth of rows will equal 4 inches deep.

Notions –

  • Stitch markers – several for marking pattern repeats,
  • Beginning of Round Marker,
  • Side Seam marker,
  • Scrap yarn (or stitch holders),
  • Tapestry Needle,
  • Cable Needle (optional)
Sizes – The pattern includes 10 adult sizes ranging from 36 inches up to 72 inches. The sweater is intended to be worn with about 4-6 inches of positive ease so pick a size based on your preference.

Note the sizing table and schematic for the sweater are in the last two photos on the left.
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