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Wiley How to Make Money With Real Estate Options

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Wiley How to Make Money With Real Estate Options

Low-Cost, Low-Risk, High-Profit
Strategies for Controlling
Undervalued Property . . . without the
Burdens of Ownership!
T H O M A S J . L U C I E R

I first want to thank you for investing
your money in a copy of How to Make Money with Real Estate Options. This one-
of-a-kind book was written for serious, rational, reasonable, intelligent, reality-
based, goal-driven, and action-oriented adults who are willing to take calculated
risks in order to profit from the many money-making opportunities that real es-
tate options provide today. I am a firm believer that a real how-to book should
tell its readers precisely what to do while providing detailed instructions on ex-
actly how to do it. I also believe that a how-to book should live up to its title. And
I am very confident that this unique book will exceed your expectations on both
counts! As you will soon find out, it is packed with step-by-step instructions,
ready-to-use worksheets, checklists, letters and agreements, and practical, no-
nonsense advice on how to use real estate options to control undervalued prop-
erties with immediate resale profit potential.

Learning about Real Estate Options
When I first got interested in using real estate options in 1985, there were no pub-
lications available like this book. The scant amount of information that I was
about to scrounge up about real estate options told me just enough to be danger-
ous, but not enough so that I really knew what I was doing. This lack of solid in-
formation meant that I did not have the luxury of learning from someone else’s
mistakes. I had no choice but to go it alone. So, how did I become my own real es-
tate option expert? I did it the old-fashioned way. I went out on my own and
learned the hard way how real estate options really work. I did a lot of research,
talked to a lot of knowledgeable people, and asked a lot of questions. Then, I went
out and bought some real estate options and made the inevitable mistakes, which I
learned from. And while all of this was going on, I took copious notes to keep track
of my trials, tribulations, numerous mistakes, and firsthand experiences as a real
estate option investor. Those notes are the basis for this book
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