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The ABCs of Personal Finance

Ever wondered where all your money went? Don’t quite know how to budget? Getting frustrated because you’re not getting paid for what you do? Then this is the book for you. The ABCs of personal finance takes you through 25 tips on improving and taking control of your finances. If you want to learn how to deal with debt, monetise your skills and improve your savings habits and more then this book is for you.

We’ve all been told to start planning for our financial future but no one really shows us how. This book will not just give you tips to show you how to reach your financial goals, but it aims to retrain the way you deal with and think about money. Your mindset plays a big part of your financial life and so we’ve also included action points at the end of each chapter to empower you to do something different with your finances. 

Money plays a big part of our life, yet we all shy away from talking about it. Don’t wait and hope to stumble into the abundant life when you’re 40, start today and start from where you are. The results of your daily actions and decisions make up the bulk of your life. Think differently, take bold and confident decisions about your life and reclaim all of your time back.

At the end of this book, I am confident that you will not only become smarter and more intentional about how you deal with money, but you will be inspired to live a life that you love and pursue all your goals. You will be confident that your dreams are valid and more than that, they are attainable. Money is a tool that helps you get there - let’s show you how to make the most out of it.

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