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Lt Peary Hunting Musk Oxen near the Pole

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Title : Lt Peary Hunting Musk Oxen near the Pole  
Author : Lt RE Peary
Source : Windsor Magazine
Year Published : 1898
Page Count : 5
Image Count : 5
Word Count : 2,313
File Size in MB : 3
File Type : PDF

"On the 15th May 1895, the storm which for two days had held Lee, Henson and myself prisoners upon the Independence Bay moraine, the northern shore of the “ Great Ice,” more than 4,000 feet above the level of the sea, ceased, and in a very short time I had completed all the preparations for a trip over the land in search of the musk-oxen which would be our salvation. Matt and all the dogs were to accompany me ; and I took the little “ Chopsie ” sledge, our rifles, four days’ supply of tea, biscuits and oil — we had had no meat for several days — and the remainder of the dog food, a lump of frozen walrus meat somewhat larger than a man’s head. Lee was to remain at the tent during our absence. The almost entire absence of snow on this..."

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