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HOW TO Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae

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Prepare Your

The curriculum vitae, commonly referred to as a CV, Vita,
or Vitae, is a detailed biographical description of one’s
educational and work background. It differs from a
résumé, a one-page description of one’s work experience
and educational background not only in length but also in
detail. The origin of the term curriculum vitae is Latin
and means “the course of one’s life or career.” As such, a
CV includes detailed information regarding one’s aca-
demic coursework, professional experience, publications,
and so on.
The curriculum vitae, long in use among professionals
in higher education, has gained currency among under-
graduates applying for admission to graduate and profes-
sional schools, as well as among applicants for selected
areas of employment such as those in research, teaching,
and management. Moreover, because of the growing ten-
dency to use brief application forms—often only two pages
long—some graduate and professional programs actually
encourage applicants to enclose a CV with their applica-
tions. For these reasons, the curriculum vitae is often
referred to as an “academic résumé.” We have included
sample curricula vitae in Chapters 5, 6, and 7.
This book provides effective and timely guidelines for:
• Soon-to-be college graduates
• Continuing graduates
• Professionals who need to prepare a CV
• Professionals who need to update a CV
• Professionals planning a career transition
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