8 Week Chakra Revival Series | FULL Package
On Sale
*Interested in a payment plan?
Accepting 3 payment plans of $148 via ZELLE: gogreenfashionista@gmail.com
(MUST send email first to identify yourself and your payment plan abilities)
Dive into the transformative world of chakra wisdom with our immersive 8-week series designed to revitalize your mind, body, and spirit.
Go Green Fashionista 7 Day Chakra Cleanse
has been carefully adapted, dedicating the whole week to each chakra, ensuring profound and focused transformation.
Beginning: Sunday, September 17th, 2023 from 3-6PM at Megalit Fitness Studio in Miami.
Every Sunday:
9/17. 9/24. 10/1. 10/8. 10/15. 10/22. 10/29. 11/05.