Every now and then we need a gentle nudge or a firm kick in the butt to get ourselves in motion and remember who we are!
Is that you? Have you been compromising your gift in exchange for someone else's comfort?
Are you acting small, average, or normal when you know deep down inside there's an extraordinary gift waiting to be unleashed?
I’m so excited to stand beside you as you go through this dynamic workbook that will frame the way that you rise up in this current season of life. No more shrinking is not a point of arrival, it’s more of a constant reminder to stand up and stand out so that God’s glory can be revealed in your life.
As you dive into this workbook, remember that God has loaded you with His benefits and His love. Imagine that love pouring out of you in every area of your life. Doesn’t it feel good? No more shrinking my sister, no more shrinking..... Be bold, Be brave,