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Beginners Guide To Praying scripture

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Here is a free printable, Beginners Guide to praying Scripture. You can read the blog post about prayer that was featured on the Pray With Confidence website Here.

It contains lists of scriptures to guide you in praying scripture during your prayer time of, praise, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession. There is also a page for you to record your scripture prayers, print out this page as many times as you require for your daily use.

You can print out the pages that you need or use them on your phone or tablet. There is an iBooks app that allows you to place text boxes on the journal page and you can then digitally write in your journal. I also use it in the Xodo app, which is available for all phones and tablets etc. I personally enjoy using the GoodNotes app.

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I hope this resource blesses you!

xx Karen.

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