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Mute/Deaf Indicator

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By purchasing this project it is expected that you have some basic knowledge.


Poi 7.3.50 and 8.0.426 Recommendet!

Tutorial Included!

Here you have an easy prefab to get an Mute and Deaf indicator on your avatar.

Mute: Activates when you mute ingame
Deaf: Activates when you turn on Earmuff mode ingame

If used commercial please msg me and leave a link to this Asset!


 • This model is NOT intended to be used for parts as each asset is made by individual creators. 
Regardless of paid for or free go to the creators page to obtain the assets.
• Please DO NOT resell, leak or share this package, a lot of work and effort went into it from myself and the original asset creators.
• If buying as a gift please leave the email of the person you are buying it for instead of your own.
• Please DO NOT upload as a public avatar.
• Converting for other platforms is allowed but is done at your own risk. 

You will get a RAR (14MB) file