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Activated Bamboo Charcoal Soap - 5 oz.

Everyday there are a number of pollutants in the air and toxins in the body that effect you skin. They can make your skin look dull and cause skin blemishes and discoloration. Shea Olein Activated Bamboo Charcoal Soap can be the key to combating those toxins and obtaining clear, fresh, bright skin. Our bamboo charcoal detoxifying body bar is formulated with activated bamboo charcoal. That activated bamboo charcoal gets deep in your pores and goes to work absorbing those toxins. It cleanses deeply and gently exfoliates for smoother, healthier and a brighter complexion.

INGREDIENTS: Saponified Sustainable Palm Oil, Saponified Coconut Oil, Vegetable Glycerin, Activated Bamboo Charcoal, Essential Oil Blend, Fragrance Oil, Citric Acid, Natural Pigments

$ 4.25

$ 4.25
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