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43 Ways to Save $1,000 in 43 Days

Have you been trying to save money, but can't seem to make it happen? Tap in and learn multiple ways to save immediately.

Why This Course?

So you're thinking of purchasing the course and you're not sure if it's for you.

You are in the right place if:

  • It seems like money just slips through your hands
  • You make good money but you haven't quite figured out how to save it
  • You can save only $50 or $100 at a time before you have to borrow it from yourself
  • You've NEVER budgeted before and don't know where to start
  • You never have enough money after payday

Saving money has to be one of the hardest part of most people's financial journey.

It means sacrifice and learning to stay motivated. While some of you have no problem saving $100 here and there you've never gone beyond it.

Well friend you've come to the right place. In this course I'm going to help you change all of that. This is the course that will give you all the tips to getting to $1,000.

I'm so glad you're here and are ready to tap in and save $1,000 in the next 43 days. Let's get to work!

Meet the CEO

I'm Shavonne, the CEO of The Money Magnet Financial Coaching Services.

I teach miliennials how to create a spending plan (a budget), how to stick to a budget, how to change their mindset around their spending and create new money habits.

The very tips I teach are what I learned while working with my own financial coach for 2 years.

Prior to working with a coach I was newly divorced and heavily in debt and with no way of knowing where to start to dig myself out of my financial situation.

I was able to get rid of over $13,500 and have shared the same tips with clients who have gotten rid of/write-off over $28,000 worth of debt.

Course curriculum

Here's what you're going to find:

  • Module 1: Mindset Shift

You're never going to see a change until you settle into the fact that you have to change the thoughts about your situation.

Until you shift your mindset you're going to continue to spin your wheels.

  • Module 2: The Set Up

It's the foundation of your money journey and plan. This is what needs to be implemented before you do anything else.

  • Module 3: Method of Operation

This is the implementation phase of your financial journey.

It's all of the things — no matter how small they may seem that will lead to big gains.

  • Module 4: Get to the Bag

This is the work that you have to do in order to see a desired result.

These are the pro tips that I've learned along the way in my financial journey that I now share with my clients.

  • Module 5: Where the Money Resides

If you've followed all of the tips I've shared and you're saying "there's no way I can save my way to $1,000," then my friend it's time to earn some more.

The tips in this module are ways to make money that require little effort and little start up costs.

NOTE: Each module will feature a video and presentation slides.

Yours for Only

43 Ways to $1,000
