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The BMP-2 IFV, which entered service in the early 1980s, is an improved derivative of the BMP-1 with significant armament changes. For use against airplanes and helicopters, the new two-person turret is outfitted with a 30-mm automatic cannon with a long thin tube and a double-baffle muzzle brake. The ATGM launcher on the turret's roof can fire either AT-4 SPIGOT or AT-5 SPANDREL missiles, though the AT-5 Spandrel canister is usually mounted. The BMP-2 is the entry-level IFV in the family. It is designed to support MBTs during an assault and is expected to engage comparable vehicles.

- Ferrarico Tank System
- Detailed interior
- Detailed exterior
- Animated doors & hatches
- Handmade
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