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ES6 in Practice

ES6/ES2015 knowledge is now expected among JavaScript developers. The new language constructs have not only become popular, but they are now also widely supported.

At the same time, ES6 learning resources do not necessarily facilitate learning. Some courses spend a lot of your valuable time on explaining and repeating the obvious. Others tend to compete with the reference documentation, and provide you with all details you will never use.

My vision with this tutorial was to create a comprehensive guide that will not only focus on practical applications of the language, but it will also give you the opportunity to put theory into practice.

At the end of each section, there are exercises. Solve them in order to put theory into practice. You can verify your solutions by reading my reference solutions in the workbook.

The ES6 bundle currently contains two parts:

- ES6 in Practice - The Complete Developer's Guide
- ES6 in Practice - The Complete Developer's Guide Workbook (Included as a chapter of the book for easier navigation)

I will add other bonuses later.

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€ 19.00


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