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Kaylene Peoples sings "Berimbau," a Brazilian song by Baden Powell and Vinicius de Moraes from the album "Os Afro-Sambas" in the 1960s, celebrating Capoeira with its rhythmic melody and poetic lyrics. The song's fusion of African and Brazilian elements highlights Brazil's cultural richness. "Berimbau" has gained enduring popularity with numerous covers, becoming an iconic piece of Brazilian music, representing the country's diverse musical heritage. The berimbau itself is a traditional Brazilian instrument of African origin, a single-string percussion instrument made from a bow-shaped wooden rod, wire string, and gourd resonator, significant in Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art blending music, dance, and acrobatics. (Personnel: Bunny Brunel, basses/guitar; Mahesh Balasooriya, piano; Bryan Cabrera, drums; and Monette Marino, percussion)

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