World's Best Wardrobe Apron waist 28-32
This pattern was developed as I tried different commercial options while working
backstage with college students as well as with IATSE Broadway tours. Ultimately the
biggest things I wanted to combat were:
• Front-worn aprons get heavy with stuff in them, and start dragging at your
lower back- there’s no good way to counter-balance them that doesn’t end with
someone getting nailed with a dangling water bottle if you make a fast turn.
• The longer you you wear them, the more the straps get curled up and start
sawing through your midsection.
• It’s impossible to squat/kneel without the danger of dumping all your safety pins
out on the floor behind you.
• Good luck getting to your fly to pee without taking it off!
• Never quite enough pockets and/or/purpose made pockets for what you
To that end, I designed the World’s Best Wardrobe apron initially with the idea of a
thick, shaped waist belt like the ones armored fighters use to hold up the weight of
their leg armor and side-pockets as opposed to front-pockets. From there, I looked at
what I always carried around with me (and lost frequently) and created the pockets
and doodads I wanted. If they’re not exactly the pockets and doodads you want?
Change ‘em up yourself, or feel free to ping me at teka@threadwright.com and give me
your input on the next edition. I’m not above going through various generations of
these if folks want different things- if you want a specialty pocket of some sort, there’s
a good chance somebody else does too.