All 11 Drumatix instruments recorded at various tune/tone/decay/snappy settings, and all at 3 different accent settings. Nearly 1300 samples total! No additional processing. 24 bit 44.1khz and 16 bit 44.1khz
Ableton Live DrumRacks: Three DrumRacks with 11 Drumatix instrument sounds each and Ableton FX, plus 12 example patterns.
Teenage Engineering OP-1 DrumKits: Two kits with 22 samples each across all 11 Drumatix instrument sounds, plus one kit of 7 long tail kicks.
Elektron Sample Chains: One 64-slice chain for Octatrack. 50 hits total. Many of the longer tail kicks take up 2 slices, and a couple of cymbal hits have tails lasting 4 slices. One 60-slice chain for Analog Rytm (Digitakt + Model:Samples compatible). 46 hits total. Many of the longer tail kicks take up 2 slices, and a couple of cymbal hits have tails lasting 4 slices. ___________________________
Bass Drum 1: 330 samples Bass Drum 2: 363 samples Snare Drum 1: 33 samples Snare Drum 2: 33 samples Low Tom: 66 samples High Tom: 33 samples Rim Shot: 3 samples Hand Clap: 3 samples Cymbal: 352 samples Open High Hat: 33 samples, Closed High Hat: 47 samples ___________________________
Recorded by cs1729, Edited and compiled by AdamJay