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7 Telltale Signs You Need a Digital Detox Urgently

Do you think that you or someone you know is addicted to technology?

Today, digital abuse has become recognized in medical and psychological circles as a serious condition. Consider these three brief facts based on surveys:

·       81% of adults check their phones as soon as they wake up in the morning.

·       70% of adults keep their phones next to their beds while they sleep.

·       60% of adults admit that they have a technology addiction or are overly obsessed with technology.

When technology becomes an addiction that takes over your life or that of someone you know, the consequences are no less serious than those related to drug or alcohol abuse. In fact, the scientific term for technology addiction is "digital abuse".

This book will reveal seven signs that indicate digital abuse. If you observe all or some of these signs, you need to take immediate action.

In this book, you’ll discover The Top 7 Warning Signs You Need A Digital Detox URGENTLY. You'll Discover... The Science Behind Digital Addiction And How It Affects Your Life. Warning Signs That You Have A Digital Addiction & What To Do About It... How To Develop And  Complete A Quick Digital Detox For A Better Life.

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