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Solved: Dell Xps One 2710 not bootable and unresponsive with black screen, caused by Windows 10

Here is how to fix a Windows 10 bricked Dell Xps One 2710 without buying an expensive new motherboard or replacing any other hardware!

Have you installed Windows 10 on your Dell 2710 and after running fine for a while the device was failing to boot? 

Instead you stuck with a black screen after a short flickering, 
while the machine is unresponsive in any way.

No boot screen! No beeping! No Bios access! Just plain nothing...

Then this is for you!

This is a detailed step-by-step guide to help you to recover your device.
It is all about how to open the machine, how to handle the BIOS, how to get back the screen...
and how to bring the 2710 back to live after all.

All the tools and utilites that you need are free and accessible over the internet.
And all of these are are provided as download links in the document.

There is no need to buy any new hardware to fix your device, even some people may tell you so. Just use this guide and fix the Dell 2710 by yourself!

Note: Although there is a very high chance to get it fixed, of course there is still no guarantee. There could be other problems with your machine's hardware involved, that are not addressed by this manual.

For this reason we provide you a full

100% money back guarantee!

Should you be disappointed with this guide, get the chargeback after payment via paypal.

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