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DIY Project - Design and Create a Video Mini-Masterclass

Turn your website, social media pages, or YouTube channel into high-value resources that will demonstrate your expertise, serve your clients, and deliver memorable experiences.

A mini-masterclass showcasing your specialty is your viewers' shortest distance between stranger and client.

Are you looking for an easier way to promote, sell, and deliver your coaching services?

Coaches face several hurdles in the process of attracting, inspiring, and enrolling new clients:

  • Many people don't understand what coaching is.
  • Some people don't realize or acknowledge how coaching could be helpful to them.
  • Most people have never experienced the power of a good coaching experience.
  • Traditional networking and face-to-face meetings are time-consuming and expensive.
  • Content marketing tactics like email and social media have become much less effective over time.

These hurdles often make it seem difficult, if not impossible to find new clients to serve.

Watch this short video to learn how a mini-masterclass could be the exact way for you to leap the hurdles and get on with the joyful work of coaching.

Daniel wanted to create an offer for prospective clients that would be a good follow-up to his email opt-in lead magnet.

He didn't want to offer a free coaching session, and he felt like an ebook would just get downloaded and forgotten. He wanted something that would be immediately helpful to people, quick and easy to consume, but with a high ongoing impact.

He also wanted this offer to be a natural lead-in to his first level of paid service. His newsletters were being opened and read, and his social media posts were reaching plenty of people who interacted with them, but they were not effectively enrolling new clients into his coaching programs and services.

He had designed a quick assessment for his first-time website visitors. The assessment had been an effective way to add subscribers to his newsletter, but the invitation to schedule a free discovery call was not compelling people to sign up.

The most difficult parts of selling his services were:

  • People didn't understand what he was offering.
  • They had misconceptions about what coaching is and when it can be helpful.
  • They had no personal experience with coaching.
  • They were secretly ashamed to admit that they might need it.

In our work together, we came up with the idea to offer a video masterclass on his website.

The concept was easy. He wrote a list of the most commonly asked questions about his specialty area. We found a nice outdoor setting that was quiet where we could record. We recorded a one-hour interview in which he answered all the questions on his list. I edited the videos into short 1-3 minute segments. We uploaded the videos to his YouTube channel and then embedded them from there onto his website.

I've just given you the exact process we used, so you may not even need this course now, but if you want a little more detailed information about each step we took, this class is ready to go now. Just click the button below to enroll.

** The Mini-Masterclass project is one of ten projects featured in the upcoming resource DIY Video Projects for Coaches, which will be available here. You may apply the purchase price of this course as a discount for the full course of all ten projects. Look for your coupon code inside this course.

BTW, Daniel has been very pleased with the turnaround he's experienced in his enrollments. The mini-masterclass on his website is an excellent place to send prospective clients, and their experience with the class answers their questions and alleviates their concerns about coaching.

It's worth a try!

A Mini-Masterclass on a webpage from Franklin Taggart's blog, The masterclass is nine videos, all arranged on one web page. The title of the masterclass is How to Set Up Your YouTube Channel

A Versatile Way to Share Your Expertise

Your finished mini-masterclass can be packaged in several different ways:

  • As a standalone, embeddable video on YouTube, Vimeo, or your website.
  • As a YouTube playlist, also embeddable.
  • As separate video segments on a blog post or web page.
  • In an email sequence that is drip released over several days.
  • As an online course on one of the popular course hosting platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or, as shown in the course, Payhip,

The masterclass gives viewers a first-hand, multi-dimensional experience of you in your superpower. It is one of the most effective marketing tools for coaching that I've ever found. And people keep innovating how masterclasses are created and delivered.

Since Daniel's experience, I've worked with many other coaches to create similar materials for their websites, social media pages, and courses. I welcome your questions. The risk is low, and the potential is extremely high.

If you're concerned about any part of this process, I also offer a Done With You version of this service. Contact me to learn more.

Choose a pricing plan

One-Time Purchase - Lifetime Access


The Mini-Masterclass Blueprint

  • Design and Create a Video Mini-Masterclass
    • Showcase Your Expertise With a Mini-Masterclass
    • Step 1: Choose a Topic
    • Step 2: Outline Your Questions and Answers
    • Step 3: Construct Script and Presentation
    • Step 4: Setting, Lighting, and Audio
    • Step 5: Record Your Questions and Answers
    • Step 6: Edit Your Videos and Add Graphic Elements
    • Publish Your Mini-Masterclass on YouTube
    • Publish Your Masterclass on a Website or Blog
    • Publish Your Masterclass as an Online Course
    • Example - How to Set Up a YouTube Channel - Mini-Masterclass
    • Get $39 off the price of DIY Video Projects for Coaches