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Chakra Balance Meditation

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Want more balance in your every day life? Then download my professionally-recorded, powerful guided meditation today! It will balance and align each of your main chakras. You will be gently led through each chakra, allowing more energy to flow and any blockages to be released. With accompanying, custom-made music, this meditation will harmonise and balance your energy.


Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means: ‘wheel of light’. There are seven major chakras, located in the centre of your body. (In reality, there are hundreds. This meditation guides you through 8 of them.) Your chakras are beautiful spinning wheels of light. Each one has its own colour, sound, purpose, and frequency/ vibration. Your chakras regulate the energy flowing in and out of your physical and energetic bodies.


By balancing your chakras regularly you'll become more attuned to the subtle energies surrounding everything. You'll develop a deeper awareness of yourself, your innate connection to Source energy, as well as an increased sensitivity to the Quantum Field.


I’d recommend using this meditation every day. Just like plugging your phone in to charge it up, plug yourself in to Source energy to rejuvenate your own internal energy systems. Yaay! 😊


Play this meditation to start your day in balance... And rebalance yourself again before you sleep. (Or whenever you feel like you need it!) 😊



What You’ll Get:

A powerful, guided, professionally-recorded, 12:56 minute Chakra Balancing Meditation with beautiful bespoke music to harmonise your energy systems.


Heather from True North Spirit Medicine will lead you through this balancing and relaxing meditation.

You will get a MP3 (23MB) file