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Realms Of Forgotten Worlds (PDF Version)

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Introducing a powerful sci-fi adventure that will take your reading experience to a whole other level.  Author Albert Taylor has put together a super complex adventure where you as the reader decide on how the story develops.  Sounds too good to be true; well it’s here and packed with 71 different ways to make or break your story.  It’s your story so you decide.

  In the story you are a character called Scott.  Basically, you are just like any other teenager, but this boy has a dream of doing something for science.  After a bit of a struggle, you finally aid Scott and get into a top-secret science experiment as an assistant.  Things go wrong when the military shuts it down though, but our character discovers that the experiment did in fact work, but not the way he expected.

 Severely disoriented, you have to guide Scott through worlds that are parallel to ours, and pretty similar to our own world, though each contains their own type of surprises.  Explore for a while and then decide if what you want is to get back home, or if you want to go onwards.  Either way is correct, but will take you on completely different adventures.  Decide on if you want to do things the bad way, or if you still want to remain good and help people out.  Choose between romance or adventure, though both are correct choices, taking you in completely opposite directions.  In the end, decide on what ending you really prefer, and if you don’t like the way you did things, just go back and choose a different path. That’s the good thing about this story, you are more than likely not going to get bored.

In this story the concept of parallel worlds is looked at in a more drastic, adult, real life type of way.  You’re pretty much faced with the big question of, what would I do if I discovered a parallel world.  A million things probably come to mind, along with the big question of how to get back home.  That’s the story in the nutshell, and you can go many ways, and even end up in some places where you would like to hang out a bit more.  You can go that route, but you may find that it’s not at all that easy since your very presence has moved entire worlds!  


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