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Realms Of Forgotten Worlds (Game Version) For Windows


Realms Of Forgotten Worlds (PDF Version)


About Me

In reality I am introverted, and just a bit too unsocial sometimes, though I do find a way around this particular obstacle when I have to. Since I’m introverted, this description of myself won't be very long. In general, I write sci-fi but just a bit different from everyone else. I really, really hate going with the grain, and I don't like having to read a book that takes me to the same exact ending as everyone else. The result is apparent I think, and now I have a book that lets the reader decide, and me as well, which is a really extraordinary achievement. Apart from that, I really don't like parties and I still don't do the social media thing too much. I do like gaming though, which helps me get out of what is called Reader’s Block. I don’t like getting blocked, so I have to do some pretty hard gaming sometimes.  :)

Here’s what I like doing, in order of importance:


Writing Sci-Fi


Underwater Cave Exploration


Commenting on Quora

Computer Repair
