On Sale
✧ Features :
- 150+ Toggles
- Physbones / Body Jiggle Physbones
- Color Swaps
- Fake Index Fingers
- Blinking
- 12 SPS Options
- GoGo Locomotion
✧ Avatar / Package Includes :
- Tops: Baggy T-Shirt | Big Baggy T-Shirt | Bunny Bow Hoodie | Bunny Hoodie | Bra | Demure Top | Dress | Fishnet Top | One Piece | Pasties | Pulled Up Top | Temptation Top.
- Pants: Bow Pants | Fishnet Shorts | Half Pants | Jeans | Panties | Short Shorts | Temptation Panties.
- Shoes: 70s Shoes | Bow Heels | Garter Socks | Roller Skates | Slippers | Thigh High Heels.
- Head Accessories: Face Mask | Facial Bandaids | Glasses | Headphones | Kitty Dumpling | Facial Piercings.
- Body Accessories: Body Piercings | Bracelets | Butterflies | Necklace | Necklace Spike | Rings | Stickers | Warmers | Wings.
- Hairs: Bun | Eroticas | Katy Braids | Kiwis | Ponytail | Umekos | Vex | Wavy.
- Body Colors: Skin Shades | Tattoo Swaps | Nails | Eye Shades | Lash | Brow | Hair Shades.
- Clothing Swaps: T-Shirt | Big Baggy T-Shirt | Bunny Bow Hoodie | Bunny Hoodie | Bra | Demure Top | Dress | Fishnet Top | One Piece | Pasties | Pulled Up Top | Temptation Top | Bow Pants | Fishnet Shorts | Half Pants | Jeans | Panties | Short Shorts | Temptation Panties | 70s Shoes | Bow Heels | Garter Socks | Roller Skates | Slippers | Thigh High Heels.
- GoGo Locomotion & SPS Options (12).
- Heart Bow Animations
Photos by: Imbellsnex_vr
✧ Credits :
- Amelia Head -> Sivika (SCULPTED BY ME, NO REUSE)
- Hazie Base -> Hazie (SCULPTED BY ME, NO REUSE)
- Texture -> France (COMMISSION, NO REUSE)
- 70s Shoes -> Plaz
- Big Baggy T-Shirt -> Hoeyume #5516
- Ponytail-> Tinks
- Half Pants -> Pursu#6500
- Bunny Bow Hoodie -> Sukii
- Bow Pants-> Sukii
- Dress -> Sleepy
- Ears -> BeanieBaby
- Demure Top -> Sleepy
- Short Shorts -> Saikura
- Butterflies -> Saikura
- Warmers -> Saikura
- Slippers -> Saikura
- Thigh High Heels -> Saikura
- Facial Bandaids -> Saikura
- Headphones -> Saikura
- Bra -> Saikura
- Panties -> Saikura
- Garter Socks-> mintten
- Puppy Tail-> JinxieWinks
- Kitty Ears -> JinxieWinks
- Kitty Tail -> JinxieWinks
- Umekos Hair-> Saikura
- Eroticas Hair -> Saikura
- Kiwis Hair -> Saikura
- Bunny Hoodie -> YamuVR
- Necklace -> Mynk
- Temptation Top -> BeanieBaby
- Temptation Bottoms -> BeanieBaby
- Body Piercings -> BeanieBaby
- Rings -> BeanieBaby
- Nails -> Nauuki
- Bow Heels -> Virtual Spice
- Katy Braids -> Nessy
- Roller Skates -> Fooly Stuffs
- Kitty Dumpling -> Yummi
- Baggy T-Shirt -> Nessy
- Puppy Ears -> Nessy
- One Piece -> Weeeby
- Pulled Top -> Weeeby
- Fishnet Top -> Weeeby
- Fishnet Bottoms -> Weeeby
- Bow Piecings -> SoftVamp
- Bun Hair -> Nessy
- Baggy Jeans -> Vetmial
✧ TOS :
- DO NOT share this avatar, if you buy it as a gift put THEIR information instead of yours.
- DO NOT make this avatar public.
- NO REFUNDS -> They are not issued after the purchase of the avatar has been made. I do not take responsibility if future VRC update breaks the avatar.
- DO NOT redistribute in any form (Including NO price splitting, trading or sharing with friend, family or significant others.) - it is for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
- DO NOT use any of MY packages unity settings or textures with in the package, you do not own the rights to MY work nor the texture creators work, unity settings include: (Bones, Colliders, Contacts, Blinking, Material Settings, FX Layer Set Up, Etc).
- DO NOT resell this avatar in any way shape or form, this includes edits. (Contact me if you send the package to a friend to do an edit for you, we can work something out; but this DOES NOT give them RIGHTS to upload the avatar for themselves nor to keep the package.)
- DO NOT claim as yours -> you are allowed to edit it, but it does not mean you personally made this avatar.
- You do NOT own the commercial rights to any of these assets used on this model -> if you want to reuse the assets on this model, please purchase from the creators who are linked to each and every assets above.
- You are allowed to create content using this avatar, please just give credit to the creator for the avatar if posted.
- If you need someone else to UPLOAD an avatar for you, they either HAVE to BUY the avatar as well, or the they can join my server and send me all their information including, Discord Name / Tag, Discord ID, Vrchat User, Email.
- By purchasing this item you agree to adhere to and follow the terms of service. Failure to adhere to terms of service will result in fines and legal action. You will be asked to cease and remove as well. The copyright in a work initially belongs to the author(s) who created that work. Copyright exists automatically in an original work of authorship once it is fixed in a tangible medium. This 3D asset is protected by Copyright Law, illegal distribution and failure to abide by the given Terms of Service of the said asset can be subjected to fines between $200 to $150,000, infringer pays actual dollar amount of damages and profits made by said stolen asset, the infringer will pay all attorney fees and court costs, illegal iterations of the stolen work can be impounded and possible jail time. If you need more information on copyright please visit, for more information.
Photos by: Aurora
✧ Team Information :
- Showcase / Videographer: RinnReality
- Toggle Showcase: ItsGin
- Dancers: Sanrio | Kyspl3
- Photos By: Aurora | Suki_Boo | xmiuchi | momosmores.vr | Imbellisnex_vr | Runez.vr
✧ Issues :
- If you are having "toggle" issues with the model(s) please join my discord server listed at the top. In the announcements section there will be a video there to help you guys figure it out. This issue is not caused by me but caused by "VRCFury" which is the SPS plugin. I am very sorry for the issue.
- If this avatar comes with an "opti" and neither the opti or the main avi are uploading please make sure one of the avatars are hidden in the hierarchy before uploading. An please make sure they both do not have any blueprints before uploading.