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Things that Nullify Someone's Islam (Workbook)

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A helpful workbook for taking notes during the study of the classic text, Nawaaqidh al-Islam, by Shaykh al-Islam Muhammad ibn 'Abdil-Wahhaab (may Allah have Mercy on him), including additional resources prepared by Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson.



Follow along with these free high-quality MP3 recordings of Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson teaching this text:

The issue of steadfastness upon Islam and avoiding the avenues of disbelief and apostasy is extremely important for us to study and review often, as expressed by the author of the text:

All of them (the things that nullify one’s Islam) are from the most dangerous and commonly occurring affairs. Thus, it is necessary for Muslims to be on guard against them and afraid of falling into them. We seek refuge with Allah from things that bring about His Anger and His severe punishment.

This PDF includes the text of the book, paired with an English translation, laid out over many pages, with ample space for notetaking during class. After the text there are helpful resources, including the uninterrupted text, in its original Arabic (both voweled and unvoweled), as well as its uninterrupted English translation. A chain of transmission is also included, as well as an original manuscript of the text.

نسخة المتن الخاصة بالجوالات


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Customer Reviews


Ummu A.

Verified Buyer

5 months ago

Very pleased

I am pleased with this printable version of this workbook from a few angles:
1. Like Ustadh Moosa's other workbooks, the main topic of each lesson is simplified to a paragraph or so, with the detail taught through the recorded class. This feature allows my beginner students (children) to practice their reading skills and comprehension with the Arabic and English text alone. The amount of text is the right size for them. This is sufficient for them as beginners if they miss some points through the class. I can easily help them fill in the gaps.
2. Payhip gives us 4 downloads. This makes it easy for me to instantly download a copy to my childrens computer, or access it a the nearest library should they misplace or damage their copy.
3. I looked into the practibility, and profitability of my purchase through payhip for my Teacher and compared it to Amazon. It seems to be easier for an Author/Teacher who uses payhip in this way to consistently produce readily available materials for their students. And it seems to be more profitable for this Self Publisher, leaving him with more money to put back into his works.
May Allah bless these works and increase them in blessing, ameen.

Njeri Umm H.

Verified Buyer

5 months ago

Very good and quick experience.

I like and appreciate the product and its contents. I would like for the print font to be larger.


Verified Buyer

5 months ago

Excellent book reminding of importance of tawheed with foundation in quran and sunnah

This is my first time studying this book nullifiers of islam. This is very good book with complete english translation of arabic text. Enough space is provided after each point to take additional notes. This book addresses the essential aspect of islamic belief. Written in concise and clear format, it paves the way for Muslim to ensure they remain on the right path. Every muslim should know what nullifies their faith and this book is an essential read for muslims committed to preserving their islamic monotheism and protecting their religion from harmful infuences.


Verified Buyer

5 months ago


Very Very Benefecial Topic

Umm z.

Verified Buyer

5 months ago

Alhamdulilah, Allāh has used this treaty as a means of learning about the prohibitions that could nullify my Deen.

In Shaa Allah I would go over it again and again.
Jazakumullahu khayraan....


Verified Buyer

5 months ago


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5 months ago


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5 months ago