Sorry for the delay in getting these worksheets up. As a thank you we are offering a mega pack of 12 worksheets this month plus 50% off other purchases for Subscibers in June using the code:
Subs50June12 beginner note quizzes to help your early students learn notes in the middle C position, covering:
- F to middle C in the bass clef (5 note range)
- middle C to G in the treble clef (5 note range)
This pack includes worksheets that support a few popular different method books (please note we have no affiliation with any particular method book), for example:
These worksheets support Piano Adventures style tutor books
- Treble clef C and G only
- Bass clef F and C only
Get Set! Piano, which has roots in sol-fa
- Bass clef B and treble clef D supports the earliest pieces in the book
- A, B, C, D, and E worksheet builds on this early work by expanding the range from middle C out.
Piano Time, and many other piano tutors that work sequentially out from middle C.
- Treble clef C, D, and E
- Bass C, B, and A
Then follow this up with 3 pairs of quizzes:
- 3 worksheets looking at treble clef middle C - G (five note range, identify and write the notes as semibreves)
- 3 worksheets looking at bass clef F - middle C (five note range, identify and write the notes as semibreves).