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I believe that the meaning of this book will be revealed to every unbiased reader anyway and you will understand why I lined up the individual, self-contained parts in the chosen order. 
Anyone who absorbs the book as it wants to be absorbed will certainly not complain about having read it - yes, I believe: he will then read it many times until he awakens to that "resurrection" which is neither incomprehensible miracle, nor arbitrary mercy, but the spiritual vocation of every human being on earth!

Bo Yin Ra


Alle höchste Weisheit ruht im Sein 
und nicht im «Denken».– – 
Tiefste Wirklichkeit im wahren Sein 
kann dir erst leuchtend wahres 
Denken schenken! 
Denken, das nur «Denken» ist 
führt irre Pfade – 
Wahres Sein allein gebärt Gedanken 
voll der Gnade! 
Alle höchste Weisheit quillt 
aus vollem Leben – – 
Nie kann dir dein blosses Denken 
höchste Weisheit geben!

The book "Resurrection" is truly good news, a book of joy, of life and clarity, and whoever knows how to read it and reads it often in order to live it, the waters of life flow from the book into the prepared heart, and he finds the way to his resurrection, his own "Spirit-appointed calling."

Hans Christoph Ade (Kempten (D) 1888 -m Munich 1981)


Contents in English
The knowledge of the wise. 
law and chance. 
wasted effort. 
Occult Carnival.
inner voices. 
magic of fear. 
limits of omnipotence. 
The new life. 
celebration joy. 
value of laughter. 

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