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πŸ•‰πŸŒ€ Activation Of The 7 chakras - Unlocking Mental Power - Human Evolution - Instant Booster - Ascend To The 5th Dimension - Multiple Benefits πŸ•‰πŸŒ€ [Short Version]

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β—˜ β—™ β—¦ β€’ ------------------ β—˜ β—™ β—¦ β€’


Subliminal Audio / Energetic Audio / M.S

Chakra balancing is the process of reaching a place of balance between spirit, body, and health. It ensures that there is a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body

From focusing on general well-being to feeling relaxed and grounded, each of the 7 main chakras is uniquely important. They start from the end of the spinal cord and go to the pinnacle of the head

What are the chakras?

The word chakra literally means "wheel" in Sanskrit and symbolizes the flow of energy in our body. The 7 chakras present in your body are actually energy centers and are known to regulate emotions

According to meditation practices, if the chakras ever get out of sync, it can negatively affect your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Each of the chakras is associated with a particular part of the body and its proper functioning

Locating and analyzing the chakras can help heal old emotional and physical wounds.

Therefore, with this subliminal program you will be able to heal, purify, activate and balance the 7 main chakras as well as many other added benefits so that you can achieve an improvement in results and be able to unlock all your physical, mental and spiritual potential

Other added benefits are unlocking the power of the mind, booster of results at first listen, eliminate and create new habits, human evolution, ascend to the 5th dimension, healing and accelerated regeneration, life full of happiness, love, peace, unlock skills, unlock mental powers, etc.

Contains 900 benefits of which half are mentioned here and in the document you will download

β–Ά † Π½Δ™ ẅояlď β—€

Know some of the benefits of it:

● Connection with mother earth ( mind , body and soul )

● Feel stable and secure

● Increased confidence and responsibility

● Better focus and presence

● Feel grounded and connected to yourself and others

● Ability to take care of yourself

● Impulse to live

● Get calm and peace

● Emotional stability

● Sexual health

● Prosperity

● Healthy and perfect immune system

● Ability to concentrate

● Balance between body, mind and soul

● Joy, enthusiasm, clarity, creativity, passion

● Control over your thoughts and emotions

● Greater personal power

● Energized

● Release of all blocked energy

● Release and eliminate old limiting beliefs

● Get insights from your mind

● Grow to an advanced level

● Willpower, self-control, self-acceptance

● Optimistic, self-compassionate, assertive, calm, confident

● Self forgiveness

● Emotional balance

● Love, gratitude, peace

● Love towards yourself and others

● Devotion

● Understanding towards yourself and others

● Empathy

● Exploration of areas of love

● Find the meaning of life

● Communication improvement

● Constant connection with your superior being that will allow you to make the right decisions even when there is a lack of information

● Sixth sense effectively by picking up information outside of its normal sensory range

● See the big picture and know exactly what you want out of life by thinking about your problems from a higher level of thinking

● Take off and get rid of your fear of the unknown by becoming more mentally balanced

● Eliminate all fears and balance your life

● Wisdom and amazing spiritual power

● Think more clearly and develop imagination and awareness

● Live in the present

● Trust in your inner guide

● Entrance to the energy of the universe

● Connection with your higher self

● Conscious life, consciousness, unity

● Direct connection with the almighty and conscious energy

● Balancing all the chakras in a supreme way

● Transcend, internal knowledge

● Deep understanding of oneself

● Connection with the universe

● You will experience the universal consciousness that resides within you

● You will discover the truth of who you really are and experience true enlightenment.

● Feel connected to the world and the universe.

● Take advantage of the knowledge of universal consciousness

● Open your mind, transcend the physical world and understand that there is more to life than you can physically experience

● [Among many more benefits that you will experience when balancing the 7 chakras]


● Become a creative being with unlimited potential

● Unwavering trust

● Power

● Control over the management of all things

● Receive love and give love

● Tell and express your truth and/or what you feel

● Be intuitive and sure of yourself.

● Enter the wisdom of pure consciousness

● Improvement of life flowing in abundance

● Receive all the good things in this life

● Enjoy every moment of your life

● Always express what you feel

● Greatness

● Safe and stable with yourself

● Full of vitality

● wonderful physical health

● The 7 chakras will be working in a perfect and harmonious healthy way.

● Divine right for the manifestation

● Unconditional support of nature

● Flow, imagine and desires unlimitedly

● Accept the power that belongs to you

● Accept your divine power and your inner spiritual authority

● You will receive love and full acceptance of the universe and existence

● You will love freely and without fear

● Being spiritually loving and compassionate

● Begin to hear the truth of your soul and communicate with yourself

● See clearly through your soul eyes

● Disappear the illusion and see the truth of the universe

● Be one with the universe

● Divinity of the spirit

● You will trust more in your higher power that resides in your being

● Express the conscience

● Your desires will be perfectly balanced

● All your chakras will be perfectly balanced

● Beautiful and blessed life

● Extreme happiness

● Forgive yourself for all things in the past and forgive

● Accept yourself as you are

● Create wishes with love

● Everything you want will manifest in the present

● Everything you want will manifest in this world

● Purification of all layers of DNA

● Purify, awaken, open and activate all the layers of your DNA

● Power to manipulate and control your entire body and DNA

● Be free in all areas, senses and aspects of your life

● Unlock all your chakras right now

● All chakras perfectly aligned and balanced

● All chakras clean and purified

● All clean and purified energies

● Absolute success in all areas, senses and aspects of your life

● A better world for all living beings

● Happiness for all beings in this world

● All reality and the world will live in peace and harmony

● Everyone will live without fear with complete confidence with the divine

● High vibration

● Active pineal gland and working perfectly

● Pituitary gland functioning perfectly

● Pineal and pituitary gland balanced and unblocked to perfection

● Pineal gland will allow you to see everything in this world

● All internal and external body purified

● Connection with the source of universal creation

● Have a perfect alignment with all their minds at a higher level

● Have a perfect alignment of your conscious, subconscious and spiritual mind

● Whole body healthy and purified

● Perfect physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance

● Connected with the universe

● Your entire body will be in high vibration

● Beautiful and beautiful quantum leaps in your life

● Awaken your true power

● Awaken your true self

● Humanity ascends to the 5th dimension

● Consciousness and physical body ascend to the 5th dimension

● Create with your thoughts what you want

● Feed on the sun's rays

● The body will feed on the energy of the sun

● Root heal the entire physical body now

● Root heals all DNA

● All parts of your body and mind will work in harmony, synchrony and happiness

● Become a powerful and unlimited being

● Awaken your powers that belong to you as the unlimited being that you are now and always

● Manifest everything you want instantly

● He will materialize everything he wants with the power of his mind

● Get incredible results and changes from all the things you want

● Get subliminal results fast

● Get permanent subliminal results from all the audio you listen to

● Clear any mental blocks right now

● Conscious and subconscious mind will always be aligned and synchronized

● Mind and body ready for change

● Get subliminal results from the first listen

● Get full and permanent subliminal results on the first listen

● Because you will awaken all your power by activating all your potential, you will be able to easily allow yourself to obtain results and manifest whatever is instantaneous in the now, in the present, instantly.

● With one listening you will get complete and permanent results of the audios

● Great power to obtain subliminal results instantly

● Increased Manifestation Power to manifest instant changes

● Root chakrΓ  balanced and purified

● Be safe and secure

● Confidence in your life

● Love towards your whole body

● Sacral chakra perfectly balanced and purified

● Courage and respect towards oneself

● Love and take care of yourself

● Emotionally healthy

● Flexible and open to change

● Balance of life

● Solar plexus chakra perfectly balanced

● Strength

● Acceptance

● Deserving of all good

● Powerful

● The source of power within you

● Capable of achieving everything he came to do in this world

● Heart Chakra perfectly balanced and purified

● Open to love

● Worthy of true love

● Give and receive love effortlessly

● Love will be the center of your being

● Throat chakra perfectly balanced and purified

● Express the truth from light and love

● Third eye chakra perfectly balanced and purified

● Be a master manifestor

● Owner of your destiny

● Trust in your intuition

● Confidence in your inner vision

● Connection with inner wisdom

● Crown chakra perfectly balanced and purified

● Be one with the universe, the earth, the moon, the stars and all existence

● Acceptance of your spiritual being and your earthly being

● Flow with the love of both

● Be one with your higher self

● Love towards nature

● Be one with nature

● Ascension to the 5th dimension

● Root chakra, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown, healthy, purified, active, balanced and perfectly synchronized

● Perfect and fast healing of the body

● Release of all negative energies

● Connect with the supreme being

● Elimination of all energy blockages

● Absolute relaxation of the whole body and mind

● Extremely positive and powerful mentality

● Clearing of all karmas

● Elimination of all blockages of the mind

● Elimination of all limiting beliefs

● Always be in a state of high vibration

● High, great and powerful vibration

● All beliefs, thoughts, energies, emotions, perspectives, mindsets and vibrations will be in absolute harmony with your conscious results and intentions.

● Have an absolute harmony with yourself

● Powerfully connected with your own "I"

● Control your own health at will

● Perfectly control your reality

● Absolute personal domain

● Infinite intelligence

● Own domain of absolute consciousness

● Subconscious mind will repeat the positive subliminal messages it hears at super incredible speeds

● Subconscious mind will repeat the subliminal messages on a loop inside your mind

● Omnilingual subconscious that understands all the languages of the world and universe

● All subliminal messages will adapt with the subconscious

● The subconscious can perfectly translate all languages including binary codes , DNA code , scientific codes , universal languages , quantum codes , energy , vibrations , morphic fields , reiki , mental images , wallpapers , subliminal flashing , manifestation energy , quantum energy and everything

● Cleansing of the whole mind

● Cleansing of the being of all the negative

● Release and remove all karmas

● Release and eliminate all fears , guilt , sadness , hatred , resentment , doubts , etc.

● Release all the negative and replace it with all the positive

● Be an infinitely unlimited powerful being and always vibrate high

● Easily ascend to the 5th dimension with the physical, mental and spiritual body

● Unconditionally heal your inner child

● Manifest and obtain all the benefits of being in the highest vibrational frequency

● Decalcification of the pineal gland

● Healthy and active pineal gland

● Link with the universe and everything in it

● Intuitive, intelligent, and connected with your higher self

● Absolute trust in your intuition

● Linked to higher power

● Guide to the deepest wisdom of the universe

● Actions aligned with the purpose of life

● Open to receive vitality and positive vibrations

● Trust in life and in the universe

● Wise

● Make good decisions

● All the answers to your questions will be inside you

● Trust in your inner being full of guidance and protection

● Trust in your feelings

● Being divine

● Full of wisdom

● Trust in your imagination that will create a world of happiness and security for you

● Absolute decision to accept yourself and others as they are

● Let go of all fears, worries, and situations related to money, career, security, protection, etc.

● You will be perfectly protected and all your needs will be covered in abundance

● Release all fears and negative thoughts that prevent you from feeling peace, harmony and balance.

● All your thoughts will flow in harmony

● All wishes perfectly balanced

● Release all fears and situations that have to do with power and control

● Accept your power

● Absolute control in your power

● Allow yourself to use the power that god/universe has given you in the service of love and light

● Give and receive love without fear or guilt

● Open heart to flow in love towards yourself and others

● Use from now on your words to create beauty and harmony

● Release all fears to be able to lovingly see beings of light

● See the truth of the world

● Vision perfectly ordered and illuminated by love

● Elimination of any barrier that prevents receiving divine wisdom and guidance

● Listen to your higher self, God, your angels, and spirit guides

● Activate your pineal gland with ease

● Easily concentrate on your breathing

● See clearly 100% truth

● Liberation to be able to see and feel the beings of light

● Concentration, relaxation

● Perfect vision

● Connection with the supreme energy

● Develop your intuition to the maximum

● Spiritually intelligent

● Increase the capacity of perception

● Vision of light

● Perceive divine energy

● Concentration to the sixth chakra

● Easily connect with the wisdom of the universe

● Understand the force and energy of the universe

● Easily open your third eye

● Connection with your third eye

● Be more aware of what you see, feel and hear

● Absolute control of everything that happens in your life

● Interior light will shine brightly

● Obtain a superior power to open your third eye at will

● Everything you think, do and believe is activating your pineal gland, so it will be.

● Every time you do meditation, conscious breathing, yoga, etc. you will make your pineal gland activate quickly

● Use your intuition and insight

● Be able to see clearly everything you want in life

● With the active chakra of the third eye you will be able to see clearly the whole world and universe

● All your chakras will be protected against all evil

● The chakras will always be protected and will be full of purity and love.

● The chakras will be protected against any negative energy

● Vibrate with the universe in a balanced way

● Connect with the angels easily (if you wish)

● Elevated consciousness

● High frequency

● You will be able to easily connect with the angels and beings of the 5th dimension (desired)

● Consciousness magnetized with love

● Chakras and energy systems will be healthy, clean, purified and in harmony

● Increase of peace, energy, love and happiness

● Live and vibrate with love

● Recognition of the value of life

● Acceptance of the divine love of the universe

● Cleanses and eliminates from the mind , body and spirit all spells , illnesses , witchcraft , energy vampires , traumas , archons , astral parasites , energy larvae , mind or energy control beings , shame , fear , hatred , karmas , past loves , frustrations , imbalances, etc.

● Live a full life and in sync with the whole

● You will always be protected by your angels

● Connection with the angels of the 5th dimension and the universe

● Strong and powerful aura

● Healing and purification of the aura

● Get a lot of success and prosperity

● Balanced body and mind

● Kundalini energy awakens

● Raise your consciousness to fullness

● Activation of the 7 harmonious and perfect chakras

● Always keep vibrating in love

● Synchronization with the universe and everything

● Synchronization with the source of the creator

● Pure energy

● Powerful and loving

● Consciousness vibrating in harmony and happiness

● Peace, love and happiness

● Unconditional love for yourself

● Be the pure love of the universe

● Unleash your full physical and mental potential

● Higher human evolution

● Heal all your emotions, pain, mistakes, absolutely everything

● Become a noble, loving and kind being

● Energies of the 7 chakras will flow in synchrony of love and purity

● Get back all your powers that were blocked or stolen

● With its high frequency you will be able to manifest everything easily

● Being able to make beautiful quantum leaps

● Connection with your quantum self

● Receive all the wisdom of your quantum self and your higher self

● Receive the wisdom of your spiritual beings and your guardian angels

● Obtain love , happiness , purity , peace , prosperity , abundance , harmony , etc.

● Love for the world and his life

● Be pure love, breathe love, inhale love

● Evolve to a pure and supreme state

● +++++++++ (450 more benefits)

This audio is very powerful and is very well designed in addition to the type of protection that it includes, even so it must be listened to carefully since it could generate some type of discomfort the first days

I recommend listening the first few days about 3 to 4 minutes a day, until the body and mind get used to it, after that you can listen to it for as long as you want

- Contains frequencies to manifest incredible changes in your life

- Contains frequencies to balance the 7 chakras starting from the root chakra to the crown chakra

- Contains frequencies to unlock mental power

- Contains energy field for protection and increase physical and spiritual power

- Contains energetic audio to create a collective mind

- Contains frequencies to heal, unblock, activate and balance the pineal gland

- With biodecoding

- Hemi-Sync technology

- Contains audible and inaudible techniques


β™š Drink water to stay hydrated

β™š Don't be obsessed with seeing results

β™š Trust and have faith

β™š Visualization is powerful

β™š Listen at a comfortable volume (15% to 40%)

β™š Feeling that you already have it is the key

β™š Enjoy, Smile

β™š You can listen to it with speakers but it's better with headphones

β™š 3 listens version

β™š 1 listen version

β™š It is not necessary to speak English

Do you want the 1 hour version? Get it here πŸ‘‰:Β

If you are from Europe and do not want to pay VAT, read here πŸ‘‰:Β

This is its short version

This program has a duration of 06:30 minutes (3 listens version)

You can listen to it longer if you want.

And a version of 1-2 listens with a duration of 02:02 minutes

If you like short audio versions, this version is for you

All audios uploaded to this store will have a 25% to 70% discount

Contact me if you have any questions or want other payment methods:Β

Do you wish this program in another language? Contact me πŸ‘‰:Β

This program includes 2 files

- A high quality wav file (3 listens version)

- A high quality wav file (1 listen version)

Subliminal program produced by Fantasy Nebulosa Studios Β©

β–Œβ”‚β–ˆβ•‘β–Œβ”‚ β–ˆβ•‘β–Œβ”‚β–ˆβ”‚β•‘β–Œβ•‘β•‘β–Œβ”‚β–ˆβ•‘β–Œβ”‚ β–ˆ

ObtendrΓ‘s los siguientes archivos:
  • WAV (45MB)
  • WAV (143MB)

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