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Super Masculine Beauty - W.A #5 / Increase Your Beauty - Powerful 🍷 [Short Version]

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β—˜ β—™ β—¦β€’ ------------------ β—˜ β—™ β—¦β€’

Subliminal AudioΒ  /Β  Energetic AudioΒ  / Recharge GHz

This program is designed to enhance the beauty of your face, body and mind.
This has been created with a set of people in training for the benefit as well including additional part of my contribution and additional extras that will give a better result to the effectiveness of this audio

Various types of beauty audio are performed because not everyone wants a particular type of benefit
Remember that our audios are programmed so that you can block some benefit that you do not want, you can also listen to the audio of "Mental Domain" of 1 listen that will help this process (you can find it for free on youtube)

In any case, you can find other versions of beauty in the store or on YouTube. Also, if you require it, you can request a personalized audio with the desired characteristics.

β–Ά †нę ẅояlď β—€

Summary Benefits:
● Super muscular male figure
● Visually Remarkable Muscles
● Elimination of abdominal fat
● Flat and defined abdomen
● Good testosterone production
● Be more fun and joyful
● Develop a lot of self-confidence
● Easy to talk to anyone
● Be a good conversationalist
● Look and act like a leader
● Being good in bed (sex)
● Have good erections
● Give a lot of pleasure in sex
● Money will flow to you easily
● Be rich, prosperous and abundant
● Have good health always
● Primordial Predator (Warrior) Skull (designed to look masculine and extremely attractive)
● Fully sunken predator eyes (desired) (hunter eyes but much more dominant)
● Eyes horizontally longer
● Longest PFL (palpebral fissure length)
● Highly attractive Greek God Face
● Full face transformation to look more attractive
● Changes of the face at a physical and energetic level
● Every day you will become more handsome, beautiful, beautiful, charming, etc.
● Face will get the most attractive and masculine shape before everyone (including you)
● Creator of your reality
● Conscious and subconscious mind aligned
● Very marked abdomen
● Transformation to the most beautiful face (even for the desired face)
● Smaller and more beautiful nose
● Straight and symmetrical nose
● Perfect nose at every angle
● Have the most beautiful and masculine human face in the world (get even angelic features if you want)
● Angelic traits in the specific face or body (if you wish, you will have to visualize it)
● People will fall in love with your face easily
● Divine and beautiful beauty
● Muscle gain every day
● Thicker limbal rings
● Limbal rings will highlight the color of your eyes
● Effective DHT to masculinize the face
● Effective androgens to masculinize the face faster
● Elimination and prevention of facial swelling
● Powerful deep gaze
● Sharp and windbreaker forehead
● Male facial dimorphism
● Masculine golden ratio, facial harmony, sunken cheeks
● Lower, darker, denser/bushier, longer, fuller brows with a slight positive canthal slant
● Ultra-attractive almond-shaped / predatory / feline eyes
● Amplification of all masculine characteristics
● Arch of the eyebrow: Prominent forward growth
● Sharper, sleeker, more angular features
● All features are fully provided (Protection against overgrowth, etc.)
● Nasal septum repair
● Higher chin
● Widest zygomatic bone
● Lateral projection of cheekbones
● Aligned, whiter teeth (rejuvenated dentin and enamel)
● Tooth regeneration
● Prevention and protection of malocclusion, protrusion and retrusion
● Healthy and perfect bite
● Proportionate bone in the maxilla and midface (Optimal growth)
● Chiseled jaw
● Wide palates
● Higher cheekbones
● Sunken and attractive cheeks
● Extremely photogenic and videogenic / Unforgettably attractive face 24/7
● The face will be so beautiful that anyone looking at you will not be able to get you out of their mind
● 1 Million Dollar Male Face
● Easy to get hired in many magazines, modeling, commercials, etc.
● Your face will literally be worth $1 million why would they want to pay you that amount per photo shoot
● Radiate the maximum SMV (sexual market value)
● Radiate purity (bright eyes, bright face, bright hair slightly lighter in color)
● Look good from every angle
● Jing stimulation in hair, face and appearance (look more radiant)
● Stimulation of facial/beard hair follicles (if desired)
● Increased collagen and elastin throughout the skin
● Full collagen and elastin face
● Protection against skin breakouts, sun, plastics in the environment, etc.
● Healthy skin
● Skin healing
● Skin regeneration
● Shiny skin
● Moisturized and healthy "plumper" skin and lips
● Healthy gums
● Instinctive Mewing and proper tongue posture
● Unconsciously close your lips and breathe through your nose (also applies while you sleep)
● Optimal increase of GABA in the brain
● Increased intelligence and mental agility
● Increased vitality in the face, body and organism
● Optimal increase of selenium, vitamin b12 and zinc
● Concentrate faster
● Intelligence will increase considerably as long as you live
● Replenish all lost minerals and nutrients
● Repaired dopamine receptors + limbic system
● DNA/Telomeres rejuvenated
● Slight growth to the size of an Adam's apple (thickened vocal cords for a deeper voice)
● Clavicle widening
● Growth of the scapula
● Widening / straightening of shoulders
● Induced HGH, IGF, DHT, Testosterone for frame and symmetrical muscles
● Body resists 1,000 daily workouts
● V-shaped body
● Spine protection and perfect disc alignment for a straight spine
● Small and proportionate Adonis waist
● Dimorphic male body
● Muscle toning
● Full body symmetry
● Catabolism only takes place on bad fat (not good fats)
● Skeletal muscle hypertrophy
● Larger and stronger bone structure (LRP5 gene)
● Increase the size of the frame
● High amounts of natural free and total testosterone
● 25 pg/ml estrogen (low in amount)
● Hypersensitive androgen receptors
● Increased osteoblasts
● Opening of the growth plate (if desired)
● Healthy and optimally high release of growth factors (Desired)
● Immense respect for yourself and your physique
● Strong, healthy and masculine pecs
● Optimum increase in the creation of blood vessels / Protection against hyper and hypotension
● Strong and healthy Cardiovascular System
● Strong and healthy lymphatic system
● Protection of the Central Nervous System (protected from overstimulation, headaches, etc.)
● Improved endocrine system
● Seminal Retention; Know how to control sexual urges (PMO)
● Increased Chi, Jing, Shen, Dao, Ojas, Tejas, Prana, Wuji and life forces
● Healthy Pituitary Gland
● Production of Male Pheromones (optimal levels of Androstenol, Androsterone, Androstedienone) that do not cause intimidation but charisma and magnetism
● Speaking skills (flexible vocabulary)
● Social Skills (Elimination of fear/phobia/social anxiety)
● Social Charm
● Fame in Social Networks
● Fuller and healthier testicles.
● Testicles protected from stress
● Penis growing massively
● Optimally high sperm count
● High quality semen
● Optimal antioxidant support for the testicles
● Quality of perfect erections
● Significantly larger flaccid penis size
● Healthier genetics with thicker penis and larger, fuller testicles
● Penis size protected from industrial endocrine disruptors
● God of Sex
● Adonis vibes
● Remarkable cheekbones and desired tall height
● Desired long hair without frizz
● Aesthetic feet with a pleasant smell
● Skin permanently moisturized and resistant
● Large, strong, wide but at the same time thin hands and long fingers, healthy and strong nails
● Pleasant and seductive sweat odor
● Immune to excessive sweating
● Look sexy when sweating
● Maintain good eating habits
● Pectorals immune to being flaccid
● Elimination of gynecomastia
● Forearms of desired thickness
● Very elegant bearing
● Look very aesthetic
● Feel powerful
● Radiate a lot of power with your presence
● Being ultra important no matter where you are
● Receive praise from people for any action or simply the presence
● Look sexy with any garment, work uniform, school uniform, sports suit, casual, etc.
● Immune to looking sloppy
● Skin naturally perfect and immune to acne, blemishes, wrinkles, expression lines
● Seductive smile
● Look tough when smiling, immune to seeming like a nice guy (unless you want to look nice) [Ease to change expression]
● Look as masculine as possible
● Wide, bushy, thick eyebrows, free of gray hair
● Have your own style
● You will not need the approval of others
● You will look and feel like a free alpha male
● Feel handsome every day, all day and all night
● Being able to get turned on by one's own reflection or thinking about oneself (I'm damn hot)
● sexy look
● Gaze makes people nervous
● Intimidating look (that they say: "it scares me but I like it")
● Everyone turns to you to see why your beauty is irresistible
● Ultra powerful and masculine voice
● Adam's apple elegant, conspicuous, sexy, ideal size
● Sexy collarbones
● Being very tall
● Stem cells produce new chondrocytes
● Release large amounts of growth hormone
● Body will grow extremely fast every second
● Bones, muscles and tissues throughout your body grow
● The whole body will lengthen until you reach the height you want
● Pituitary gland will increase growth hormone production to an extreme level
● Production of growth hormones
● Stimulation of the pituitary gland
● Extremely long bones
● Grows tall extremely fast
● Fully open growth plates
● Active growth plates
● Have a lot of money and make a lot of money
● Be very defined
● Being handsome and the dream of any woman and/or any person
● Remain humble and discreet and that enhances the beauty and charm
● Forever young
● Always look the desired age
● Always stay at the age you want
● Be fun and daring
● Not being afraid of anything or anyone
● Be bold
● Free of dark circles
● Rejuvenated face, perfect skin
● Marked abdomen
● Firm and round buttocks
● Strong legs and defined by the muscles
● Confidence and self-esteem
● Prosperity and happy and desired relationships
● Cell regeneration to keep you handsome, young and smart
● Wide jaw
● Large, square chin
● Ultra sharp face
● Clear and wide front
● Hunter eyes
● Increased male hormones and pheromones
● Remove scars of any kind
● Desired voice (at desired pitch)
● Desired laughter
● Smooth and masculine skin , free of blemishes , STDs , warts , etc.
● Desired hair, desired color, everything desired in general
● Additional desired beard (if desired) and desired color
● Perfect teeth desired size
● Prominent cheekbones, null cheeks, bushy eyebrows, give addictive kisses
● Smooth skin, masculine and youthful appearance
● Long and curly eyelashes
● Healthy and white teeth
● Manly chocolate scent
● Abundant hair
● Gladiator body
● Clean, healthy and perfect hair
● Desired eye color
● Accelerated depigmentation of the iris until reaching the desired color
● Have more sex with women than a porn actor
● Spirit of leadership
● An incredible self-image and self-concept
● Persuasion techniques
● Confidence and total self-assurance at the highest level
● Be immune to any type of manipulation
● Speak confidently and confidently
● Intensely red lips
● Be super self-disciplined and be a great leader
● Self Esteem, Indifference, Badass Attitude
● Fast and permanent results
● Results rooted in your DNA
● +++++++++ ( Includes much more benefits )

You can block any benefit you don't consciously want, you have the power.
Contains normal, specific, scientific and energetic statements

- Contains solfeggio frequency based on 432hz
- Contains frequencies to manifest incredible changes in your life
- With Biodecoding
- Hemi-Sync technology
- Contains harmonization of energy fields
- Contains unique x2 and universal energy
- Contains audible and inaudible techniques


β™š Drink water to stay hydrated
β™š Don't get obsessed with seeing results
β™š Trust and have faith
β™š Visualization is powerful
β™š Listen at a comfortable volume ( 15% to 40% )
β™š Feeling that you already have it is the key
β™š Enjoy, Smile
β™š You can listen to it with speakers but it is better with headphones
β™š Version 3 listens
β™š Version 1 - 2 listen
β™š It is not necessary to speak English

If you do not know any word of the benefits you can search it in google (although it is not mandatory)

This is its short version
This energetic subliminal has a duration of 03:25 minutes (3 listening version)
You can listen to it longer if you want.
And another version of 1 - 2 listens with a duration of 01:06 minutes
If you like short audio versions, this version is for you

All audios uploaded to this store will have a 40% to 70% discount

Do you wish the long version of 1 hour? Get it here:Β

If you are from Europe and do not want to pay VAT, read here:Β

Subliminal Program produced by Fantasy Nebulosa Studios Β©

β–Œβ”‚β–ˆβ•‘β–Œβ”‚ β–ˆβ•‘β–Œβ”‚β–ˆβ”‚β•‘β–Œβ•‘β•‘β–Œβ”‚β–ˆβ•‘β–Œβ”‚ β–ˆ
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  • WAV (75MB)
  • WAV (24MB)

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