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A Touch of Honey Clog Socks, PDF pattern

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About The Design

The honeycomb stitch is a classic aran pattern. It is easy to work in a single color, and only slightly more difficult to work in 2 colors.

Using 2 colors really show off the recesses of the honeycomb, so I had to knit the 2 versions, as shown above! This pattern will suit the unsure, as well as the adventurous, aran knitter.

The heel flap patterning continues through the heel turning, for cushioned comfort, as well as design balance.

Both samples are knit in Halcyon Botanica, an all wool, worsted spun, worsted wt. yarn. This yarn has a lovely sheen, is VERY strong, and makes great cables!

Finished Measurements

Heel to Toe: 9.75”

Floor to Cuff Top: 7.5” for single color version, 8” for 2-color version

Foot Circ: 8.33”

Leg Circ: 9”


Halcyon Botanica, 100% wool, worsted spun, 160 yds/4 oz hanks.

The single color version requires 2 hanks in the color of your choice. (I used color #18, a royal purple.)

The 2-color version requires 2 hanks MC and 1 hank CC. (I used #49, an oatmeal, as the MC, and #18, the purple, as the CC. I used just 2 yds of the 2nd hank of #49, which translates into just 2 rnds per sock.

If you need shorter socks than the given dimensions, you may only need 1 hank #49.)

You can knit 1 pair of each style with 2 hanks MC and 2 hanks CC.

US size 3 (3.25 mm) double pointed needles (dpns)

US size 5 (3.75 mm) dpns

Cable needle or use a spare dpn


6 sts and 8 rnds / 1” (2.5 cm) in St st with size 3 ndls,

5.5 sts / 1” in St st with size 5 ndls, and

7 sts / 1” over Honeycomb Pattern with size 5 ndls, or size to give gauge.

To save time, take time to check gauges.

Substitute Yarn Weight: Worsted wt.

Happy Knitting!


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