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Annat Royd

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Annat Royd is an adaptable shawl, based upon a two-triangle shape, but with the potential to be a larger three-triangle shawl. Royd is a Yorkshire dialect word meaning an enclosed clearing, but the meaning of Annat is uncertain; it could be someone’s name, it could be a dialect word for aniseed or dill. Annat Royd, nowadays, is the name of a twisting lane, with a nature reserve on one side, a reservoir on the other, and a farm of the same name at its end.

Annat Royd is the third in my Yorkshire Collection of shawls and related accessories. It is a huge hug of a shawl, knit in 4ply/fingering yarn. I chose two lovely non-superwash woolly yarns for my samples, Birlinn 4ply yarn in colourway Haar, and Doulton Border Leicester 4ply in Hawnby Hill.

The body of the shawl is knit first and then a wavy edge is knitted on afterwards. The shawl is knit from charts, with copious written instructions and diagrams for the edging.

The 2-triangle shawl is a conventional triangular shape, made up of two identical panels. When you add a third panel, you get three sides of a square and a shawl that is perfect for snuggling into on a cold winter’s night!

This pattern has been tech edited, but not test knit except by me. Full pattern support is available by emailing me.

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