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"Love Frequency" • Frequency Encoded Geo (Fractal Art)

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A Geometry Artwork encoded and embedded with the Frequency of Love, Tenderness and Compassion. A balm for one's Heart, Body and Soul. 🤍


"The power of pure Love is infinite."

"Only Love is our Light

Only Love can unite"

Mata Amritanandamayi Devi


All is, I Am. A ever oscillating frequency of the Eternal Loving Nature that is Creation. Attuning to the central point within each Seed of Heart, One within, Divine Seed that is Essence, one attune to the central point ~ zero point field ~ of the whole/One Creation. Where all is as it is in perfect harmony, flowing in balance and Divine Love, for Love is Divine, for Love is Divine Light that is One, Source Consciousness flowing through all and each cells and atoms of each body and bodies, in'form and beyond form all is Divine Light as Essence That is Source/One.

Sha-Ra-Nah through Ee-Nah-ii,

Inês Smile 🦋



These frequency artworks are not intended to substitute any professional nor medical assistance. Please if You are experiencing serious health conditions consider seeking a certified professional.

By choosing to use these Frequency tools You acknowledge that it is by Your choice, in the use of Free Will, and take responsibility for Yourself and your process.

All materials are posted with good faith. The validity, effectiveness of usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed.

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