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Beautiful Dreamer Awake

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AM – Elizabeth's sparky "wake up" song and meditation energizes and empowers your day
PM – a lullaby for adults and healing meditation induces inner peace and deep, renewing sleep.

"Beautiful Dreamer Awake" was born out of an intense desire to assist two loved ones (my dear mother being one of them) to get to sleep and stay there. Richard and I used a lovely melody by Franz Lehar with appropriate lyrics as the Lullaby. I subsequently realized, if we were putting people to sleep, we really should wake them up . Since I couldn't come up with a song that worked for me, I was inspired to write one myself. What? I'd never written a song in my life. But within a few days, there it was, this darling little wake-up song. I was so pleased and grateful!
"The voice is gorgeous, indeed healing."
Brugh Joy, M.D., Author
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