The Art of Public Speaking pdf - Dale Carnagey (no illutrations).pdf
The Art of Public Speaking by Dale Carnagey (1888-1955)
e-book pdf file (N.B. No illustrations. Text only.)
The principles of public speaking written by Dale Carnagey are timeless and highly effective. He explores ways of commanding and charming an audience with the right energy, tone of voice, pitch, pronunciation and vocabulary. Armed with the principles highlighted in this book, you can do more than convey a message to a group of people, you can move them.
He delivers a topic by topic approach offering solutions to common public speaking problems. Moreover, each chapter features practice questions and exercises to help the reader understand the subject better.
By reading this book, you can acquire confidence before an audience; efficiently convey your message by inflection, change of pace, emphasis and subordination. You can learn to influence people through exposition, description, narration, suggestion, argument and persuasion. Throughout the book there are numerous quotes and references from influential individuals and institutions to emphasize the subject..
Even people who think they are good public speakers can learn a great deal from reading this book. ‘The Art of Public Speaking’ is an essential tool to help you learn to work a crowd, leave them charmed and hanging onto your every word. A great start to shaking off public speaking jitters, socializing and mastering the art of small talk.
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