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St. Patrick's Day Spanish BINGO Lotería Game

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Are you looking for a fun and engaging St. Patrick's Day activity in Spanish? This Lotería / BINGO game is the PERFECT Fun St. Patrick's Day / Día de San Patricio Activity for Spanish Classes of all levels!

This Spanish Día de San Patricio Vocabulary BINGO game includes 37 playing boards in a digital & printable PDF format. This set also includes 29 cue cards for you to call out while students are playing & a vocabulary list for students! This set includes 3 different board sets: a word board, a word + pictures board, and pictures only board to vary how you play! Consider using the boards as a "Find Someone Who..." or "Te gusta?" speaking activity!

This product uses: St. Patrick's Day Themed Vocabulary

This product contains a PDF download with a link to a Google Drive folder. You will need to make a copy of the files in the folder to access them. Lotería Board content is not editable.

You will get a PDF (5MB) file

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