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Are you fed up feeling stressed and anxious?

Dealing with overwhelm and struggle can be so much easier than you think

Watch the video below to learn more about the course.

What lovely people have said about working with me

The simple, secret stress cure


The Simple, Secret Stress Cure is for you if..

  • You lie in bed awake night after night worrying about things like your health/ getting older/ your finances/ the state of the world, concerns that you manage to keep at arm’s length during the day. You’re fed up with feeling stressed and anxious all the time.

  • You’re guilty about your anxious feelings because it looks like everything in your life is fine but you can't seem to shake off your worries. You feel as if you should be able to cope because everyone else seems to be doing just fine.

  • You're finding it more and more difficult to relax and despite all the techniques you’ve tried, the meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing and yoga, you just feel as miserable and tense as ever.


  • When the stress and anxiety really hit, you worry that you’re always going to feel like this.

Here's the secret

So many of us are caught up in a never-ending search to find the one fail-safe technique that calms us down when stress and anxiety strike. Mindfulness, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, you’ve probably tried them all at some point.

And yet, techniques to try and manage stress aren’t going to give you the answer you’re really looking for.

The problem is that they’re tackling the symptoms of your stress (the insomnia, the crazy thoughts, the short temper) rather than the cause.

And until you deal with the cause of stress, nothing’s ever going to change and all you can ever look forward to is temporary relief.

What’s required is a complete mind-shift overhaul about what stress is and where it comes from. Only then are you going to be able to uncover true freedom from stress and anxiety.

When that happens, you’ll be able to tap into the innate inner resilience and mental health we all possess and deal more calmly with any issues that life can throw at you.

Let me introduce you to The Simple, Secret Stress Cure

What lovely people are saying about working with me

"This would be a wonderful course for anyone struggling to find inner peace and happiness - whatever their circumstances."

"It has really helped to soften my anxiety and given me insights into how I manage things going forward"

The simple, secret stress cure


This is what The Simple, Secret Stress Cure can do for you.

I’ll show you.......

  • How to calm yourself when anxiety and stress strike. (Hint: it’s easier than you think!).

  • What you really need to do about stress symptoms like insomnia, a racing mind and frazzled emotions that don’t involve having to spend your precious time on complicated self-care and mindset routines.

  • What you need to know about stress and anxiety that will change how you see them forever. And as an added bonus, it will enable you to ditch the self-judgement about your ability to cope with stress.

  • The best state of mind to deal with any problems that are making you stressed and anxious and what you must NEVER do when you’re in a low mood.

  • Why analysing the problem that’s causing your stress and whirling it around and around in your mind is never going to help you.

  • How to tap into your inner wisdom and creativity so that you can deal with the issues life throws at you.

There are two main sections in the course

  • By the end of section one, Exploring Stress, you’ll be able to deal more calmly with stressful and anxious situations.

I’ll also share

  • Where stress really comes from and why it isn’t such a big bad scary monster.
  • The one most important aspect of our thinking we need to understand to move us from overwhelmed to relaxed and peaceful.

  • By the end of section two, Living beyond Stress, you'll be able to solve your stress-inducing problems more easily.

I’ll also share

  • My top secret for dealing with stress and what to do about feelings of overwhelm.
  • The state of mind you need to be in to access your natural creativity and the one mental habit you need to avoid at all costs.

The recordings are available for you in a membership area so that you can go over the material as many times as you like.

Course curriculum

The simple, secret stress cure


Here's why I know about this journey from stressed to calm

I was always such a worrier and anxious person.

Over the years, I’d tried virtually every anxiety-busting technique going. Meditation, deep breathing, yoga, “sitting on the sofa eating chocolate” (less well known to be honest) but I failed to find the peace of mind I craved and felt convinced that this state of underlying anxiety was with me for the rest of my life.

As I started to advance towards the BIG 50 things started to fall apart in my mind and I started to feel so anxious and stressed. I would like in bed every night worrying about every niggle and ache, my daughter's health, what doom and disaster that I feared was about to hit me.

And this is how it all changed

Then a couple of years ago, I came across a very different understanding of where our experience of life comes from and I was amazed by the difference it made to me.

The feelings of anxiety and worry fell away and I felt calmer and more optimistic than I had for years.

I found a new sense of peace of mind through the inevitable rollercoaster of life.

And whilst yes, I still have my ups and downs, deep down I know, that this feeling of calmness and peace is always there.

I'm now delighted to be able to share what I have discovered with you.

The simple, secret stress cure


This is for you if..

  • You’re ready to tackle your stress and long to feel calmer.

  • You want to be able to tap into your innate wellbeing whatever life is hurling at you.

  • You want to be able to feel more positive and secure in life without completing a long list of peace of mind techniques.

  • You are willing to consider new ideas and experiment in your own life.

This isn't for you if:

  • You’re suffering from severe anxiety or trauma and need a counsellor or a therapist.

  • You’re not ready to try out new ideas and explore how they could relate to your life.

Terms & Conditions

Please read carefully so you understand the terms of purchase.

  • This course is offered as ‘self-study’ and doesn’t include personalised coaching.
  • Purchases are final. There are no refunds if you decide this isn’t for you.
  • I’ve designed this course to be concise and succinct so you don’t have to spend hours wading through complicated content. However, the ideas I share with you are incredibly powerful and if you are willing to examine your relationship with stress and anxiety, they are life-changing.

Still thinking about it? This is what you need to know

Who is this course for?

Women who are struggling with anxiety and stress.

How much time will this take?

I know that most of us don’t have time for complicated anxiety self-care regimes or relaxation techniques.

This programme isn’t about using techniques (although there is nothing to stop us using them and they can be very helpful). It’s more about seeing anxiety in a different way, from another perspective and that can happen through a sudden insight or "ah ha" moment.

I have also designed the programme so that the content can be consumed in small bite-size pieces that you can fit into your day.

Most of the videos are under five minutes and the entire programme lasts under an hour.

I have tried relaxation techniques before and they didn’t help.

So often techniques are dealing with the symptoms of anxiety and stress but we are going to look at the cause of these feelings so it makes no difference if you are able to meditate or relax your body at will.

The simple, secret stress cure
