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11-11 Doorway, Integrating the Spiritual in the Physical

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This is a doorway into many dimensions and moves in three directions.

It is part of the process to bring the spiritual reality more into the physical reality.

Which connects with my previous message where I said that releasing all attachments and being open to all possibilities will be of great advantage as this triple doorway opens.

At this point in time, it is very important to integrate the spiritual world into the physical although many would rather just give up or forget the spiritual world.

But the spiritual world is a part of the reality within the physical world.

It was chosen by your being to experience, to learn and to create in.

So yes, the physical world is not perfect, who says the spiritual world is perfect at all times.

I can see in many places and can see that within other universes right now a war is happening.

The whole cosmos is a place of learning and experiencing, creation and expansion. You have a choice to play within that world or not.

At this time, you have chosen to play within the reality of your universe, more specifically to play within the reality of earth.

Creation is what is to be learned within this world but creating without attachment.

Something that many cannot at this time as they are attached to many of the possible future outcomes, but also attached to what happened in the past.

Let’s just say that if you were completely within the spiritual world and not incarnated on the earth, you would have a lot less to deal with as far as implants, seals and so forth. But you are here, and it is time to deal with everything.

As this is what it means to be within the play of the physical world, your choice to come here. Now you can ignore this and say, I will deal with it in the spiritual alone. Yes, parts of it can be done within the spiritual world, but there are still limitations to you not seeing everything as spiritual.

Granted there are many who don’t have to think about this at all as they live in another part of the world where the living circumstances are totally different.

No one really talks about that as they live their life here within the western reality.

The reality within the physical world cannot be ignored as the physical world has to become one with the spiritual world.

If you can do this, then you can create a new reality.

One that is of divine perfection, one that is of divine perfection for every being on earth.

This is why you are here and why you have been incarnated many times upon earth.

The creation process of creating a world that is within the divine flow of source.

Many times, you have been here and have seen the spiritual world, brought parts of them down.

There have also been many times where the spiritual world brought destruction as the spiritual powers were misused.

Many have trauma of this destruction, and the 11-11 portal is there to release this trauma, these energies related to the past, related to many incarnational cycles.

These destructions have caused splits within the timelines and certain parts of that spiritual world disappeared and you had to start all over again.

The 11-11 portal is a gateway to these timelines and for those that wish they can be of a great help in releasing this trauma.

Yes, you might have some apprehension related to the past as far as bringing the spiritual into the physical again. Many do not like the physical and the limitations it brings them.

They see the physical as a non-reality, something that was created, and something like a dream and one day you will wake up out of this dream.

There is anger towards the ones that misused the spiritual world and are still misusing the spiritual world for the control upon the earth and the control they have to go through.

This is your time to bring change, this is your time to create and yes this is your time to bring the spiritual world into the physical world once and for all.

The focus on the spiritual world has to be brought into the physical world.

Future predictions as some are making, are just what they are predictions, the new reality is being created within the NOW moment.

Not in the past, not in the future, but in the present moment.

So, release all attachments to the past, release all attachments to the future and align yourself within the now moment to be part of creating the new reality as it is being created in every moment.

Be open to every possibility that presents itself to you and know that when something is trying to get your attention, pay attention.

To be within the divine flow, you have to accept the divine flow as it presents itself to you in many ways.

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