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The Word Became Flesh 21 Day Devotional

Have you ever said something to someone and the moment you said it you realized you shouldn’t have? You knew when the words left your lips that it didn’t come out the way you meant it? To confirm the gut wrenching feeling you had the person you spoke to became offended and took what you said the wrong way. Have you ever had this happen to you? If you have then we are in company together. I have learned that in the current time we live in effective communication is a must. Whether it is with our children, our spouse, co-workers, family, or friends we must learn how to effectively express ourselves through various means of communication, specifically our words. Many times we do not consider the impact our words may have on others or how they virtually shape our own lives.

Too often we spend time each day making decrees and judgments not really understanding just how powerful our words are once they leave the gate of our lips. Let me tell you your words have power! Your words are a powerful creative force that goes out into the atmosphere to bring forth the manifestation of what was spoken. As you reflect back through your life remembering the many conversations you have had you can begin to see just how words have affected your life. Right now you are living the results of those words.

You also can influence others by the words you speak. Many of our greatest political leaders, sports coaches, attorneys, and even preachers have an ability to motivate people through the words they speak and so do you. It is truly an explosive gift we possess.  Genesis 1:1 says,“ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The original Hebrew text does not use the word “and,” it uses the word “et”. The word “et” is what the Hebrew or Jewish community considers as the alphabet therefore it contains every letter used to create words. So then Genesis 1:1 would read something like this: “In the beginning God created everything, the heaven, the earth.” That’s why we call Him Elohim, God our Creator. He is the creator of everything including the letters of the alphabet that made the words He spoke to create the world. What an awesome God we serve. It is so wonderful to know that He put that same creative ability in us.

So now let us begin to embark on this 21 day journey together. Why 21 days you ask? Well let me tell you. Many of us are expecting great things from God and it may seem as if the answer is never going to come. But let me encourage you that God has heard you from the first day you prayed. What you have been experiencing is the same thing Daniel experienced in the Bible - a 21 day delay. The angel of the Lord declared to Daniel in chapter 10:13 that the Prince of the Kingdom of Persia withstood him one and twenty days. But on the 21st day he declared “thy words were heard and I have come for thy words” (verse 12) 

This 21 day journey is going to release the angels to come for our words.
At the end of this journey you will rediscover that God has called you to achieve great things. However, those great things will only be accomplished when you continue to speak them into existence. You will be amazed to know who or what is listening to you. Yes, I said who or what. Do you know that the elements in the earth have ears? The sand and mud that made the Jericho walls heard the Israelites when they gave God a shout of praise and the walls came tumbling down. The Hebrew text says the walls didn’t just fall, but they bowed down and worshipped their Creator.  Even the wind and sea have ears. When the storm began to toss the disciples fishing boat Jesus spoke to the wind and the sea and said, “Peace, be still,” and they obeyed. The atmosphere has ears and is waiting to respond to your words. By now you may be wondering “What do I need to say?” The best thing to say is the Word of God. Jesus told Satan, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”(Matthew 4:4) It is by God’s words we will see things change and provide long lasting results in our lives. God has given us promises throughout His word that will bring us to a place that has been predestined for us.

From this journal, on a daily basis, you will make faith declarations, meditate on the word of God, and write down your thoughts. This must become a part of your daily routine so the word will saturate your spirit. The Bible tells us “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)
You also have to remember that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21) Did you know that the success of your family, your career, and your future rests on the tip of your tongue? This journal will help you to think about what you are saying and teach you how to recognize the creative power you have in your mouth. You will begin to bring dormant dreams back to life and kill the weeds that are trying to devour and hinder your spiritual growth. Allow me to speak this word of the Lord into your life.
At the end of this journey you will have spoken your way into everything God has for you. You will not only be blessed, but you will become a blessing to many others. Your words will be anointed and you will eat from the fruit your lips produce. Rest assured on the twenty-first day the angel of the Lord WILL come for your words.

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