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Soft Hands, Light Mind

How to avoid making your horse carry your emotional baggage

Forge a deeper connection with your horse by becoming a partner they can trust

One-time payment — yes, really!

You want to have an amazing partnership with your horse and harmonious rides every day...


And you know that you both need to be on the same page to achieve just that.


The problem is, you’re pretty sure that your horse is more bonded to his haynet than he ever will be to you, he seems to make a hobby out of acting up at the worst possible times, and you don’t have the time, money or energy for endless clinics with experts who will probably ignore you if your clip lines are a bit wonky and your jodhpurs have a great big slobber stain down them.


Sound familiar? I’ve got good news:


There’s hope!


Soft Hands, Light Mind


A short and sweet training to help you to deepen your relationship with your horse and avoid the common emotional baggage pitfalls most riders fall into —starting today!




With Soft Hands, Light Mind you will be able to:

Enjoy your horse

Finally be able to leave the stress of the day behind and actually enjoy your precious time with your horse

Bond with him

When you are able to approach your time together with a relaxed body and a lighter mind, your relationship will deepen

Finally understand

All those confidence-knocks and all the miscommunications of the past make more sense once you have this one tool that would have made all the difference 10 years ago. The best part? You can get it now for just £9.

Here's what you'll learn inside Soft Hands, Light Mind

  • The one part of preparing to ride or train your horse that almost nobody talks about, (and even less people teach how)
  • An easy to learn, easy to remember three-step process that is going to make sure that you never need to just get in the saddle on a bad day and hope for the best
  • You’ll even get suggestions for contexts outside of the stable that this tool can be useful for. HINT: Do this before your next difficult conversation!


And we cover it all in just one hour so you can tack up and enjoy a more harmonious relationship with your horse straight away.

What people are saying: here's what my clients have had to say about this course, and working with working with me as a coach, trainer and animal communicator;

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This was fantastic! I loved it so much and I will be using this technique for riding and everyday life. Thank you! For anyone that's thinking about getting it, go! F

- Karen Miller

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I just completed soft hands light mind and I wanted to tell you that I loved it! I love simple elegant solutions and the ABC exercise is definitely that" I had a lovely ride this morning on my new horse after watching just the first video. This was big for me since we've has a little trouble connecting.

- Ravynwood

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Sensitive, insightful, supportive but can also challenge when needed. Great coach!

— Annabel Broom

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Kathryn came to talk to us about mindfulness and how to be how we want to be-motivated, happy, relaxed......she gave us an exercise to do that was fun, meaningful and actually will be something I incorporate into my day to day life!!! Thank you Kathryn!!!!!!

— Billie J

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Kathryn I’m so glad to have my special mare back on all levels at the moment, and back in a special and deeper way, thank you again for helping this to happen!

I think you’re working on a very deep holistic level so thank you again for that. My love and connection with my horses is not an isolated thing and you have helped me to access that again.

- Emma P

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For what it's worth, I think you have a real talent. I have spoken to animal communicators in the past and not been convinced, but as you can see from my embarrassingly lengthy reply, so much of this is spookily accurate for Jackson!

— Sarah Taylor

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Ready to build a better relationship with your horse?

It’s time to become the rider your horse wants you to be. It’s not all about skill in the saddle; it starts before you get on, and that bit can be as easy as ABC. It can be quick and I’m going to show you how.