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Connection by Romella


Connection is for the mum who wants to wake up happy and ready for the day, knowing she has tools to support whatever life throws her way (and disposable wipes for everything else!)

Are you ready to be the change, embody the change and be the real you?

All too often we are overwhelmed by old emotional expectations and ways of doing things and reactions that we don’t even realise are ”running our lives”. By shifting and clearing these old beliefs and emotions we are able to get through the day with less stress and more able to do the things that bring us joy.

The first place any healing must go is within, I’ll give you a clue - it’s always an inside job.

With Connection we start with your connection to yourself (your true self, can often be hidden beneath layers of old stuff – some of which isn’t even yours!) We then look at the connections of people you connected to and the space you live in and are affected by. Rebuilding the layers that surround and interact with you – with you at the centre and not on the periphery

It’s for the woman who want to feel happier, to feel more calm and responsive in tricky situations, who all too often we are overwhelmed by old emotional expectations and ways of doing things and reactions that we don’t even realise are ”running our lives”. By shifting and clearing these old beliefs and emotions we are able to get through the day with less stress and more able to do the things that bring us joy.

The first place any healing must go is within, I’ll give you a clue - it’s always an inside job.

With Connection we start with your connection to yourself (your true self, can often be hidden beneath layers of old stuff – some of which isn’t even yours!)

We then look at the connections of people you are connected to, then the space you live in as this also affects you. Rebuilding the layers that surround and interact with you – with you at the centre and not on the periphery

Who is “Connection” for?

It’s for the mum who wants to have the 121 support in a private space just for her (beyond going to the bathroom alone!)

It's for the Mum who is ready to release old expectations of behaviour and unlearn the old “norms” and set her own daily actions.

It’s for the Mum who isn’t even her own top 3 of priorities, even though without her energy and input chaos would ensue!

It’s for the woman who wants to be seen and heard and given a voice to express herself in a way true to herself.

It’s for the woman who wants to feel confident enough to show up in the way that feels right for her.

It’s for the woman who wants to be respected by those she is connected to.

It’s for the woman who wants to feel more calm and responsive in stressful situations

It's for the Mum who wants to wake up happy and ready for the day, knowing she has tools to support whatever life throws her way (and disposable wipes for everything else!)

It's for the Mum who wants to feel energised and bring more fun into her relationships with her children.

It's for the Mum who wants to build better relationships with her children, so that they can have a relationship of harmony, ease and flow

It’s for the Mum’s who are fed up of being stuck in negative energy patterns of overwhelm, exhaustion, stress and lack of sleep

It’s for women who want to tap into a more spiritual and connected life, including with themselves & their intuition

It’s for women who want to release old energy, fears and emotions in a gentle supportive space and refill that void with a positive, healing energy

It’s for women ready to commit to showing up and doing the work in the group sessions, being involved, vulnerable and open to change.

It’s for women who want a better relationship with themselves, to build their trust in their intuition and inner responses

It’s for women who want these changes to ripple out to their families and be able to show up for their children, family members, and friends in a way they truly desire.

It’s for women who want to feel happier, to feel more calm and responsive in tricky situations , who knows she has the tools and techniques that she can implement to calm her nervous system down when she feel she’s ready to explode, it’s for the woman who is ready to feel energised and bring in more fun into her parenting.

Its for the woman who’s ready to feel again, as a woman and not just as a mum

Choose a pricing plan

Pay in Full Payment Price

Pay in full and get this amazing bonus worth £150 - A reiki 1 attunement and full course video/ meditation/ pdfs.

Become attuned to Reiki and give yourself the ultimate self-care gift of healing, calming and space for calm. 

You can use reiki at anytime - whilst watching TV, on the school run or set a specific healing time for your selfcare.

You can give extra potency to cuddles and sore knees with a reiki attunement so everyone benefits <3 

Monthly Payment Plan (not a membership)

per month for 5 months
This is a payment plan offered to split the full price across mulitple months

Full Price after beta testing places accepted


Course Outline

Over the 20 weeks we will look at 10 themes or steps. All designed to give you a step-by-step journey from where you are at the moment to becoming the Mum AND woman you want to be.

We will meet once a fortnight on Zoom for an energy/emotion release session and Q&A, then outside of this there will be support available on Whatsapp or Voxer for the duration of the program. The content will be provided through a bespoke website, so you can access anytime

Our 10 Steps for Focus and Clearing:

1                    Ground zero (where are you now and how are you really feeling, what is feeling hard, where do you want to be in 12 months. It is important to understand what you are feeling & what is affecting you at the moment as this gives us a place to focus and make real change in our time together. There is no point me offering you feminine cycle if actually sleep is a key issue – I would provide support for this area, as sleep deprivation is an actual torture device!)

2                    Me, me, me (learning to listen and follow intuition, daily journaling tools, deciphering what’s holding me back & affecting my mood. As you start paying more attention to you energy and emotions, you will notice triggers and we can start to work on creating new behaviour patterns to shift from grrr to ok)

3                    Foundations (building the foundational tools that will become part of daily life to offer stability and expanded growth, clearing limiting beliefs & inputting positive beliefs around receiving & acceptance. This is the step that really starts to solidify your energy in those stressful situations and allows you to recognise it and flip its automatic reaction to one of calm)

4                    Your timeline, values and patterns (understanding your current limiting beliefs and stuck emotions/fears and resetting with positive beliefs and intentions. These are all aligned to your work in part 1-3. We start to rebuild you without the labels of Mum, partner, employee and recreate as you the woman and what you desire from life. What do you desire to be or have in your life?)

5                    Looking outside (after looking within, we begin to look around us to the people that affect and have implications on our mood and energy. We look at energetic hygiene (you shower everyday to cleanse the physical – what are you doing for your mental/emotional hygiene), the importance of setting boundaries and clearing the energies of the collective. Because when we start to clear the energy smog around us, we are understanding what is ours and what is not. How many times are you emotionally affected by the emotions of those you live with – anger often brings more anger don’t you find?)

6                    Your space (we look at the space you are living in and the effect this is having on your energy and emotions. There is great power in decluttering but with space clearing we work on a deeper level and result in developing a positive environment to live in, which is supportive and aids you to be more calmer when dealing with stressful situations with your child)

7                    Akashic past lives (understanding past lives and how they can affect our daily lives is not only interesting but can really bring forward positive attributes for us to tap into – as well as releasing some old ones. We will visit the akashic records library to access your personal library of books and learn about lives that are impacting your current journey – looking at releasing old vows that no longer serve – especially those of poverty and servitude) 

8                    Ancestoral and generational clearing (clearing old emotions and beliefs that have been handed down through the generations unwittingly is a great way to break free from the repeating patterns of our parents and grandparents. We will work on your soul thread and also clear the timeline 7 generations back and forward so these don’t then impact your children and future grandchildren.)

9                    Chart your path (the journey so far has been about clearing, releasing and having awareness of our energy. Now it is time to get clear on what you are really looking to feel and be moving forward. We touched on this in the first themes, but sometimes as energy shifts we get more clarity. This step is about embodying your connection and really putting it into place in daily life. Ensuring for example that you do the daily selfcare, carry or use the lavender oil or rescue remedy or do the calmer breathing exercises – if not then nothing changes. Reminding yourself what kind of Mum you want to be for your children now and in the future)

10                Becoming whole (clearing all the old stuff that has been holding us back and learning new tools will not move us forward with any real momentum. The key is to embody the work we have done together on this journey, patch any leaks and step into the light knowing you are supported with all your daily practices and tools. This theme focuses on setting selfcare priorities, aligning to your soul path and settling into a new way of positive being. In doing this you are making those steps to being the Mum you want to be, balancing Motherhood with being you in every essence, being the best person you can be for yourself and those you love) 

Bonus courses included to support your journey:

-         Body/ Crystal Dowsing Course worth £29

-         Moon Energy Cycle worth £29

-         Understanding your Feminine cycle and its energies course Worth £29

-         33 day selfcare program Worth £33

-         Space clearing workshop worth £49

-         Seasonal/ sabbat energy PDF worth £30


-         Pay in Full Bonus - Reiki 1 attunement (online video attunement and information) – Worth £150


Plus Goodie bag worth over £45 to support your journey - (essential oils, journal, crystals, 33 days of self-care journal)

Choose a pricing plan

Pay in Full Payment Price

Pay in full and get this amazing bonus worth £150 - A reiki 1 attunement and full course video/ meditation/ pdfs.

Become attuned to Reiki and give yourself the ultimate self-care gift of healing, calming and space for calm. 

You can use reiki at anytime - whilst watching TV, on the school run or set a specific healing time for your selfcare.

You can give extra potency to cuddles and sore knees with a reiki attunement so everyone benefits <3 

Monthly Payment Plan (not a membership)

per month for 5 months
This is a payment plan offered to split the full price across mulitple months

Full Price after beta testing places accepted
